Jackie, my darling. There are no words that can express my love for you for you are a part of who I am. You were one of, if not my first, real friend...from Elementary School!!! I could always be the real me with you. You’d call me out if I was anything less! Gah! We went through soooooo many firsts together. We made so many memories over the years. We went through puberty together, experimented with life together, we were there when you rode your bike to school and got lost (LMAO!!!), I could go on and on an on. I hope you know how much I treasure you in my heart and always have. I am trying not to feel regret or seek answers I'll never get, so I am holding on to the fact that when you were on my mind, I did keep pushing to get in touch and that we were able to talk. It was a riot - like nothing ever changed. I was REALLY happy we reconnected and could find a way to have you back in our life again. Its the worst part of growing up - the growing apart. I love you, my friend. I will always have you with me - you are part of who I am - and there is nothing that can change that. I am blessed.
P.S. I stole your fancy shmancy woven dance pants about 20 years ago - well, you loaned them but I never gave them back - and I will be wearing them forever. They are my favorites and its the only thing I have, so you can't have them back
P.P.S. I am digging up a lot of old pics to share, so get ready! I do like this one you sent us last week. I figured, out of respect, I wouldn't make it the main page photo, but had to share it here because it was the most recent and I love it! xoxo