Shortly after college, Sandi & friends arranged to meet in San Francisco at the Pied Piper lounge of the Palace Hotel. When I arrived, the group already had drinks and hors d'oeuvres on the table. Sandi, the unquestioned expert in nutrition, prompted me to dig into the finger food they had ordered. Note: The Pied Piper is a lounge, the lighting is subdued, so how could I know before biting in that the starters on the plate consisted of plastic food MODELS that Sandi brought from the clinic! The ribs were especially chewy. Oh Sandy!!!
Photo: Sandi and college friends about the same time frame (December 1980) as the story above. Marvelous memories; we miss you Sandi!
Mike Broad
Dan, you weren't the only one fooled by Sandi's Tomfoolery with the food models...I remember snapping up a "rib" and my teeth bouncing back from its rubbery surface...everybody laughed and laughed..