I did not know Alex well, but wanted to share this to honor his life today since we are unable to attend his memorial service.
Alex was my friend’s beloved son, he was in church youth group with my son for several years, and most importantly, he was a beautiful person made in the image of God. My son, Zac, is four years older than Alex so they did not ever really form a friendship, but when I told him that Alex had passed away the first thing he said was ‘oh no, he was so nice.’ Even though I didn’t have a lot of interaction with Alex, that’s something that I keep seeing people write over and over about him, and that’s exactly how I remember him: he was nice and kind. Quiet but friendly. I know this is a testament to his mama, my friend, who is also such a kind and empathetic person.
I searched through some old photos and found this one to share in case his family hasn’t seen it. It was the youth group Christmas party in 2015. He may not be smiling in this photo but I remember seeing his big grin so often at youth group. I am praying today for Alex’s family as they honor him. It is hard to comprehend the depth of pain you are feeling, but as a mother of a son, my heart is with you all today. I am praying for you all today and I promise to keep doing it. I know that Jesus knows your sorrow and His love for your family is immense.