Ron and Shirley were our neighbors for many. many years. We have fond memories of gatherings on their back porch. Ron's smile was always so engaging. After he left the neighborhood we would see him at events and it was always great to catch up on our various adventures. We had a mutual love for the great outdoors. He had a wonderful life. We are honored to have known him. Kay and Glen Christianson
He goes free of the earth.
The sun of his last day sets
clear in the sweetness of his liberty.
The earth recovers from his dying,
the hallow of his life remaining
in all his death leaves.
Radiances know him. Grown lighter
than breath, he is set free
in our remembering. Grown brighter
than vision, he goes dark
into the life of the hill
that holds his peace.
He's hidden among all that is,
and cannot be lost.
by William Berry