Along with my siblings Sarah and Cameron, I grew up with Hoey in St. Louis. He was very special to each of us and we have so many wonderful memories with him.
Hoey was 8 years older than me. Even when I was very young, he took me under his wing. As a child, he would help me blow out my birthday candles and play hide and seek at our “mehmoonies,” aka Persian parties.
When I was in high school, Hoey would come back home to St. Louis during the summer and winter holidays and all the families would get together. We had so much fun playing Trivial Pursuit, competing in his chili cookoffs, and playing his version of charades where we’d all put esoteric names into a bowl and act them out. It was around this time that he would rap to Snoop Dogg and OutKast. I’m not sure but I think this is where he got his nickname, Hodogg. It was also around this time where he invented an endearing and funny nickname for me, “The Fetus,” as I was the youngest person in the group of friends. His jokes were contagious. They still are. And anyone who was around him felt his warmth.
In my freshman year of college in Montreal, Hoey was also there getting his M.D./M.B.A. Any time I felt homesick, I picked up the phone and called Hoey. Instantly, he was at my doorstep, ready to take me to Tehran, an Iranian restaurant in Montreal. He guided me through my experiences in college and told me what was right from what was wrong. I always admired his high sense of morals.
In the years since Montreal, we’d see each other at family gatherings and weddings. It was like no time had passed. We'd pick up right where we left off. He was so present and remembered little details about me (that I didn’t even remember) that he’d follow up on.
The last time I saw Hoey was the day he married Esther. It was quite possibly the most beautiful ceremony I have seen - the melding of both of their cultures, their belief systems, and their family values.
I regret that I didn’t get to see Hoey as a father but through all the photos posted on social media I could tell how loving and dedicated he was to his children.
Hoey was like a brother to Sarah, Cameron, and I. Personally, he influenced me and helped shaped me into the person I am today. I feel lucky to have even a tiny bit of him with me and will always cherish the time I spent with him.
Love you, Hodogg!
Esther, Zara, Micah, Nayer, Hassan, and Ali — The Samimi family is here for you always. Hoey will forever be in our hearts and minds.