I met Glenn in 1984 when he interviewed me for the field tech position at the USFWS sea otter program in Santa Cruz. We worked together there until Glenn moved to UW in the early 1990s, but continued to cross paths during low tide series at San Nicolas Island. Glenn continued to survey his black abalone sites there and I was there to monitor long-term intertidal sites and try to keep our field station and vehicle from disintegrating. He was often accompanied by his wife Kris and several students and it was always fun to team up for libations and lasagna dinners. Eventually, Glenn passed the abalone project on to me and we worked closely the last few years to make that work. Glenn was a true naturalist and an observational scientist with a passion for bird watching and collecting data on everything from sea urchin sizes and abalone movement to the apparent propensity for left shoes to preferentially strand in SNI beaches. Glenn was always easy to talk to about pretty much any topic had a great sense of humor. I will miss him.