This is the original obituary I wrote for the Saturday Winnipeg Free Press. I figured I'd list the family in LaLiberté. With a color Photo, this would have cost me $714.73. Hahahahaha! Insane in the membranes!
Winnipeg has lost a great and powerful musician. Rolly Rock passed away in his apartment March 30th, in Saint-Boniface shortly after his 70th birthday and he looked good. He was honest, strong, loyal, remarkably charismatic, a teacher, a singer, a lead guitarist, a live performing artist, well known in the musical community, who developed his own style of Blues. «Performing an improvised solo is like painting a portrait: I take the energy in the air and try to shape it into something, then before my very eyes, watch it transform into something completely different.» Rolly believed the energy that comes from Blues music is positive. «Blues music is not depressing, as many may think. Quite the opposite, it releases an energy of freedom, it is the joy that comes after the tears…If I could play until 5 am, that’s Paradise. I’m sad when we stop.»The feeling of lightness he felt from his music, almost like floating, is comparable to the feeling he had when his first daughter was born. His contribution and devotion to Blues music is immeasurable for it lives within us, in the hearts and the fleeting moments of those he’s profoundly touched, and because it will continue to affect us throughout our lives. He will be forever cherished in our hearts. A special family memorial will occur this summer for the spreading of his ashes. Please visit his virtual memorial at to offer condolences or share stories and photos. If you have anything to share or contribute, such as recordings or live footage, please write to: «DANCE JOKE PLAY MUSIC WITH FAMILY AND EVEN STRANGERS...UNITES US ALL….» — Rolly Rock