I first met Scott in 1976 when I went to work at RW Beck. Our family was moving back to the NW from California with our 3 and 1 year old daughters. I was looking forward to getting into design after 5 years of engineering studies. I had no mechanical engineering experience so soon gravitated to Scott for his expertise. Despite not understanding how a licensed engineer could have so little experience in his area of expertise, he was always friendly and helpful. He was a great help with my first design project and had a major role in a difficult pump station design. I left Beck in 1980 and kind of lost track of Scott. When I returned in 1984 he had moved on to CH2M. Then not much contact until I left Beck again and someone (maybe Scott) got an xbeckers group gathering periodically. It was always fun to see Scott and get caught up on his work and fun activities.
In 2009 I found myself unemployed and got a job as a resident engineer for construction of the Brightwater Treatment Plant. To my surprise Scott was also working there. We re-established a working relationship and friendship which lasted throughout our time there and after.
Scott’s attitude was always positive even when he was confronting wrong thinking. I miss him. But I also celebrate his life of caring and friendship.
This is a picture of Scott with his 1939 Lincoln Zephyr V12 taken in February 2020 just before Covid restrictions started.