It was the spring of 2012 and we were all in Nashville to celebrate Erica’s graduation from Belmont. Cindy as usual had the whole week’s worth of activities planned out and the whole week was fantastic. The only open afternoon had Cindy & Lynne going out for a girls day, leaving Steve and myself to our own devices. Time for “CoronaRitas”. We spent the afternoon listening to music, laughing and depleting our inventory of libations. We began to get restless. The girls had the only vehicle which left us with one option. We would have to hoof it to the nearest watering hole which was a few miles away. Upon arrival, we realized it was a country saloon and dance hall. When the girls finally arrived we were well into a great time at the bar and would be in no condition to operate anything of mechanical derivative. With that we proceeded to the dance hall. Given our condition, I was mesmerized to watch Steve and Cindy take to the floor and dance with such grace, dignity and passion that Fred & Ginger would have been proud. That is one of my fondest memories of Steve. Regardless of circumstances he could always dance with the gal he loved.