Robert Lee's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2 of 5 in Wall Photos

A good memory for me. I went on a business trip with my Dad to Boston when I was a junior in high school. I have always admired his work ethic. He went to school at night to get his degree and move into a better position. He was a great role model.

My Mom and I invite you to share your memories with us here and post photos or videos as well. Also consider donating to Pacific Mesothelioma Center in lieu of flowers.
  • Jessica Lemberg
    Jessica Lemberg Great picture! Papa always saw the good in everyone and in an situation. He was such a good role mode. He has inspired me in so many ways and always still will
    January 30, 2022 - Report
  • Jenna Lupi
    Jenna Lupi I love this picture! Very handsome men ♥️
    February 2, 2022 - 1 likes this - Report