Vanessa See's Album: Wall Photos

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Kevin was an amazing friend. All of us who were part of the Cal Poly Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) will miss him deeply. I'll remember when we stayed in lab past midnight the week before finals to work on our traffic simulation models, the tips he gave me on applying to grad school, the long car ride to visit transportation firms in LA during which he wowed us with his impressive Chinese skills, and when we worked on a year-long project to propose improvements to pedestrian safety, which culminated in a trip to Minneapolis to present our project. I'll always admire how he pursued his passion for transportation planning/engineering by going back to Cal Poly to earn his MS/MCRP. Even though we lost touch when Kevin graduated, I always knew that Kevin was around when I saw him commenting on posts in the "New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented Teens" (or NUMTOT) Facebook group, where he engaged in seemingly daily conversations (and sometimes lively debates) to inform people about transportation. Kevin was an amazing person and we'll miss him deeply.