Two of the best concerts I have ever attended - both were with Mark. Funny story about RUSH: During the concert, we both noticed a guy about five rows away from us who was playing an air guitar like a total spaz. We both decided it would be a good idea to start shouting “Hey dude, hope you don’t break a string!” every few minutes for as long as he kept it up. Needless to say it went on for a while and I think we exchanged some colorful insults back and forth throughout the show. Ironically, several years later, I am talking with a colleague at work about RUSH and he turns out to be a huge fan. We determine that we were both at the Presto Tour show and I proceed to make a comment about how my buddy and I agreed that making fun of some guy jamming on his air guitar was the best part of the night. Yep - turns out that my new team member Evan, was in fact, THAT GUY! ????????. Awkward Moment! Of course, Mark laughed his ass off when I told him and teased me about having to work with the guy going forward!