Today we, the family and friends of Tarlach MacNiallais stand united and sorrowful in grief for the loss of a giant of a man who has touched the lives of everyone he knew. I am so sorry to his many friends who will hear of his passing through this message but he had so many friends that it was impossible to contact you all individually. Tarlach was many things to many people. A lifelong socialist, a proud Irishman and a proud gay man. Throughout his life he fought against oppression in whatever form it came, most notably, but not exclusively, in the fight for LGBT rights and equality. His integrity and bravery will be long remembered. He was much loved by his husband Juan and their family and friends in New York, Mexico and indeed throughout the world. To us here in Ireland he will always be Terry, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and friend. We all have very special memories of him individually and hopefully in the coming days we will be able to share some of them. This is a very strange and uncertain time and the virus that claimed his life means that we cannot get together physically to mourn his passing but rest assured we are together in spirit. We will celebrate his life properly when this awful time has passed. Until then, sleep well Terry. Que descanses en paz.