Memorial Created By
Mike Seiger

Aidan Connolly and Nick Samuels

This memorial has been created as an opportunity to celebrate the lives of Aidan and Nick. Please feel free to share memories, photos etc. that remind us all of what great people they both were. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

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Posts & Photos

  • Henry Carrasco
    The first time I met Nick, it was through a Boston Marathon event in 2017. I didn't have a plan for a place to stay, and overheard Nick offering Corey a place. I asked if I could sleep on a couch and without hesitation Nick offered to invite me over. We...  more
  • Henry Carrasco
    Aidan always had a way of making every day special. Like an evening "high note check" in Dedham. Aidan, thank you for always always being down to laugh. For making everyone always feel welcomed, always asking follow up questions, ACTUALLY LISTENING,...  more
  • Shane Sullivan
    The world lost two incredibly talented, gifted guys on Tuesday. Both Nick and Aidan had major impacts on so many of our lives. I don't know of anyone that could make a room break out in laughter quite like Aidan could and NIck would do absolutely...  more
  • Joe Foti
    Nick and Aidan were incredible people but more importantly, amazing friends to all of us. Thinking back I imagine many of us wish we had more photos or videos of Aidan and Nick doing the things they loved. Just a few weeks ago, Nick was incredibly...  more
  • Mike Seiger
    Aidan never missed an opportunity when it was presented to him. Had to take a picture with the Stache!