Memorial Created By
Andrea Witherill

Alex Witherill

October 30, 1968 - May 11, 2020

If there was one thing Alex hated it was convention. In his spirit of anarchy, we ditched traditional obituary protocol. No Chronicles, Posts, or home town newspapers. Instead, this website was created as a gathering place for the Tribe of Alex. Amazing content has been posted on Facebook and Instagram, but...  see more

Meatball, Alcon Cornelius, A Dub, 006, Baby Bull, AWOL, Al, Sizzly, Mayhem, Al Pal. You know you have lived a full life when your list of nick names is longer than most lists of close friends and when those who call you a friend consider you one of their best. With family at the center, his global tribe grew exponentially throughout his life. He left us all too soon. Alex was one of a kind. Many may be defined by career, but Alex was...  see more
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