• Celebration of Alex Reber's Life

    Feb 1, 2020, 5:00 PM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Doug Brown

Alexander F. Reber

January 29, 1970 - January 18, 2020

Thank you for contributing your photos and posts to this memorial to celebrate the life of Alex Reber. Please add any comments, pictures or videos you may have to share with his family and friends in the USA, Switzerland, Spain, Canada and Venezuela. We request that donations be sent via the link provided...  see more

Alexander Francois Reber-Reguera, beloved son, brother, uncle, great uncle, friend, corporate financial executive and avid aviator died January 18, 2020 in Treasure Island, Florida USA.  Alex was 49 years old.  Born in Venezuela to a Swiss father, Alexander Reber I, a prominent architect of skyscrapers in South America and a Spanish mother, Francisca Maria Reguera an operating room nurse from Barcelona, Alex attended private grade...  see more
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