
Charitable Donations in Honor of Alhaja Sidiquat Charlotte Olulola Agbeke Haroun (nee Collins)
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Memorial Created By
Isimat Abiodun Lawal

Alhaja Sidiquat Charlotte Olulola Agbeke Haroun (nee Collins)

December 12, 1921 - January 28, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Alhaja Sidiquat Charlotte Olulola Agbeke Haroun (nee Collins). Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart

Maami  Alhaja Sidiquat Charlotte Olulola Agbeke Haroun (nee Collins) was born on December 12 1921 to Pa Caleb Collins and Mrs. Asma Mariam Collins in Abeokuta Ogun State. The mother was the third wife and she was the second of two girls from her mum.  Maami… Iya School as fondly called by people in the neighborhood was a teacher, advocate, leader, councillor, entrepreneur, doctor , and above all egalitarian. She advocates for...  see more
405 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Hmmmmmm! Mama as we fondly called you. Although you are gone but your memories will linger forever. You were a very caring grandmother who took care of everyone equally. You were a mother to all as you catered for everybody that came your way. Your house...  more
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Mama, you were such a loving and caring grandmother who radiated love amongst us grandchildren. You made me realize a grandmother’s love and impacted me with your care and affection. I always looked forward to having my Friday meal at your house which...  more
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Bismillaah, Alhamdulillaah, was-solaatu was-salaamu alaa Rosulillah, wa ahlih, was-sahbih was-sallim.

    We thank ALLAH(SWT) for HIS mercies, blessings and gift, we beseech HIS blessings and benevolence upon the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), HIS companions...  more
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Our darling mama, it is difficult to write just a few lines about you because you were basically in everyday of our childhood. My siblings and I grew up with ‘mama school’ as she was fondly call by all...  more
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Apparently, Allah decided he only wanted to take the best, the moment he took you. I can't question him. I had the pleasure of calling you grandma for 32 years of my life. That's bliss. I can only thank Allah for that.

    You were more than just a grandma...  more
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Mama was a wonderful person. She loved everyone around her. You can go to mama feeling sad and be sure to be happy after. I love her very much and pray Allah grants her al- jannah firdaus.

    Deola Folawiyo
  • Isimat Abiodun Lawal
    Maami was a fantastic person who had everyone’s interest at heart. She was so kind hearted and would go out of her way just to please others. I pray that Allah grants her Aljannah Firdaus.

    Opeyemi Folawiyo