
Charitable Donations in Honor of Andrew Purnell Jr.
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Memorial Created By
Anthony Purnell

Andrew Purnell Jr.

June 20, 1934 - March 20, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Andrew Purnell Jr.. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Andrew Purnell Jr. was the son of Andrew Purnell Sr. and Louise Bell.  He was born June 20, 1934 in Chicago Illinois.  He attended Tilden Technical High School in Chicago Illinois.  In addition to studying, he was a member of the concert band where he played clarinet.  He attended Illinois State University after graduating in 1952.  While at Illinois State, he worked to pay his college expenses.  He also participated in intramural...  see more
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  • lana Auto
  • Sarah Shaffer
  • Nathalie Cumbie
  • Nathalie Cumbie
  • Allena Gray
  • Armetta Stephens Reed
  • Michelle  Bibbs
  • Jeanne Chaney
    Andrew, Barbara (his sister) and I attended Christian Science Sunday School, held at Gillespie School for several years. Later, we connected via the Gillesppie Reuniion. He always exhhibited a calm and dignified demeanor that I admired. I considered...  more
  • L. Knight
  • Tina Franklin-Bertrand