Memorial Created By
Ron Browne

Ann Marie Browne

July 09, 1967 - April 20, 1971

Join us in celebrating the life of (Ann Marie Browne). Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, photos, and videos. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites with event information on GatheringUs. Share this memorial with family and friends, and remember to RSVP to help us plan.

The Rose Beyond The WallNear a shady wall a rose once grew,Budded and blossomed in God's free light,Watered and fed by the morning dew,Shedding it's sweetness day and night.As it grew and blossomed fair and tall,Slowly rising to loftier height,It came to a crevice in the wallThrough which there shone a beam of light.Onward it crept with added strengthWith never a thought of fear or pride,It followed the light through the crevice's...  see more
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