• Project Date

    Apr 24, 2019, 11:40 AM US/Eastern

  • Unessay Meeting #2

    Apr 11, 2019, 11:00 AM US/Eastern

  • Unessay Meeting #1

    Apr 4, 2019, 11:00 AM US/Eastern

Memorial Created By
Anna Fox

Anna Fox

August 11, 1998 - April 26, 2019

Please use this page to post pictures, share memories, and leave kind words.

Anna Nicole Fox was born on a farm in a small city called Englewood, Ohio. Growing up, Anna had a passion for singing, acting, and creating art. She carried these passions with her through her years at Northmont High School, where she participated in Drama Club, performed with the varsity a cappella group called Catalyst, and was commissioned to create a painting for the Board of Education. Along with these accomplishments, Anna...  see more
3,045 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Anna Fox
    I've enjoyed this death journey with you- sad to see it end!
  • Anna Fox
    Thanks for the presentation Anna! ~Beth
  • Anna Fox
    Thank you Anna for all the new internet-death knowledge! 😍
  • Anna Fox
    funeral live streaming is becoming increasingly popular.
  • Anna Fox
    University of London: "cyber - cemeteries" have been around since the 1990s
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox is thinking about all good times:
    People can use the emoji button in the bottom right corner of the text box to share how they are feeling and what they are thinking about.
  • Anna Fox
    When it comes to death, the internet makes it much easier for us to stay connected during the grieving process through sites just like this.
  • Anna Fox
    "... in 2012, around 3 million user profiles on Facebook were maintained as memorials." (Dilmaç 281).

    "Social media here serves as a way to cultivate bonds and maintain long-term attachment to the dead." (Dilmaç 286).

    Dilmaç, J. A. (2018). The new...  more
  • Anna Fox
    The internet has made experts on death, such as Caitlin Doughty, much more accessible. This has created areas online that are designated places for people to have their hard-to-ask questions answered, encouraging them to become more comfortable with death.
  • Anna Fox
    Online sites like Everplans provide a place for you to organize your thoughts and legal documents free of charge, and include helpful articles on how to prepare your own funeral.
    How To Pre-Plan Your Funeral
  • Mathwizard Alexis
  • Steven Willis
  • Maggie Salata
    Anna was one of my best friends. I love her and will miss her with my whole heart. F ❤️. My perfect boi
  • Taylor Harmon
  • Alex Henderson
  • Rylee Fitzgerald
    wish it would have been a date :(
  • Jayci L.
    Born on August 13th in lovely summer, she had so much life ahead of her and so much joy to bring. Gone too soon😭
  • Anna Fox
  • Dani Jenkins
    Dani Jenkins added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Anna Fox:
  • Jayci L.
  • Dani Jenkins
  • Trey Jackson
  • End_King_God 1198
  • Paige Waterman
    I’m so incredibly proud of everything Anna accomplished while she was with us. She was so strong, caring, sweet, and thoughtful. Not to mentioned insanely talented yet still humble. I’m so glad to have known her. I’ll miss her dearly
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox is feeling festive:
    r.i.p me
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox added 7 photo(s) to the memorial Anna Fox:
  • Paige Waterman
    Anna will be missed by my entire family. She fit it so well and was so incredibly loved by all of us.
  • Paige Waterman
    Anna and I were practically sisters. We were even sometimes mistaken for twins
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Anna Fox:
  • Paige Waterman
    Anna took our “I knew it” inside joke to the grave.. I’ll always remember her when I think of it :(
  • Paige Waterman
    I could always count on Anna for some quality™️ car rants
  • Rylee Fitzgerald
    the last movie we went to together, I’ll never find a better person to share my blueberries with :(
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox added 20 photo(s) to the memorial Anna Fox:
  • Rylee Fitzgerald
    our last choir concert together :((( I’m gonna miss you in choir
  • Rylee Fitzgerald
  • Rylee Fitzgerald
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox added 23 photo(s) to the memorial Anna Fox:
  • Anna Fox
    Anna Fox changed the profile picture of the channel Anna Fox:
    Main Photo