Memorial Created By
Stacy Gossett

Betty Ann Hauser

May 25, 1925 - October 07, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial website to celebrate the life of Betty Ann Hauser. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we have further information on the upcoming virtual memorial service, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Betty Ann Hauser, “Betsy”, nee Vanderzee, 95, died October 7, 2020 of natural causes. She was born and raised in Evanston, IL and graduated from Evanston Township High School and National College of Education.   In 1945 she married the late Robert A. Fergusson. They were married for 21 years and had two daughters, the late Sue Ellen Fergusson, and Laurel (Donald) McKahan. Betsy had two granddaughters, Bridget (Michael)...  see more
1,165 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Bridget Konopka
    We will miss you Grandma Betsy. The kids always loved visiting their great grandma.
    The Konopkas
  • Lucy Dyke
    One thing that was obviously important to Aunt Betsy was being a sister. No matter how different the paths and lives of Betsy and her sisters, she stayed involved and connected. Her older sister was our three daughters' grandmother, and when the second...  more
  • Donzo Helverson
    Don Helverson:

    I miss Aunt Betsy. Her smile, her laughter, her snappy wit while beating me at Scrabble. She was there when I learned to swim in her pool. She was there when I learned to ride a bike in front of her house. She created innumerable family...  more
  • George Hauser
    Grandmother Betsy was so wonderful and loving. I have many great memories with her and Grandfather Paul. All the times spent on golf outings to eating at unique restaurants and old favorites, life was always more exciting when visiting the grandparents....  more
  • Stacy Gossett
    I am so grateful for the many memories I have with my Grandmother Betsy. From reading and playing together in the playroom attic of the old Evanston house when I was a child, to having her present for the birthday parties and get togethers of my own...  more