Memorial Created By
Jeffrey Levy

Butler Gray

Please celebrate the life of Butler Gray. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer all of us and his family great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial!

456 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Michael Friedman
    Butler was a valuable member of our team. He was always ready to help a colleague and genuinely was a giver rather than a taker. We all will miss him....
  • Darrell Cochran
    When I arrived at USIA in 1999, Butler's was a name everyone knew, especially the writers for the Washington File. He joined the IIP Web Shop a few weeks before I did in 2001, and we worked together ever since.

    He was a devoted fan of the Philadelphia...  more
  • Clara Hall
    I remember running into Butler every morning back when he was part of the Infocentral Office and later on as part of the Digital Office. He was always the first one in the office, always smiling, friendly and a great colleague. God bless you and your...  more
  • Jeffrey Levy
    Butler was friendly, reliable, and helpful; when he took something on, it was as good as done. He was always smiling (and sometimes laughing over practical jokes; I heard he once changed someone’s screen to black text on a black background, leaving...  more