The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Carmelo Nieves Baez
Raised $100
  Contributors (1)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Carmelo Nieves Baez
Memorial Created By
Dafne Torres

Carmelo Nieves Baez

November 19, 1928 - December 03, 2020

The night of December 3, 2020 was the darkest night of our lives. Our father, our hero, who we always looked up to as the strongest and the wisest, passed away. The outpouring of love and admiration for him have filled our hearts, and we are extremely thankful for the kind words and encouragement we've...  see more

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Posts & Photos

  • Dafne Torres
  • Dafne Torres
    Cuánto te extraño pappas. Que mucho duele el pensar que no volveré a escuchar tu dulce voz. Tengo tantos recuerdos bellos de ti. No se me olvidan las noches que tomabas tu hora de "descanso" en el trabajo para regresar a casa a traerme mi helado...  more
  • Alexandra Kenuam
    Alexandra telling a story about abuelo.
  • Nubia Fatme Fletter (Nieves)
    There are so many memories that it will take me years to write it down. It is overwhelming to think that I won’t be able to call him any time I want or that when my phone rings, it will not be him checking on me like he always did. He didn’t believe...  more
    • Dafne Torres reacted on this.
    • Nubia Fatme Fletter (Nieves)
      Dafne Torres I remember him saying that to us, it is so true. I love you sis.
      • December 11, 2020
  • Andy Torres
    Don Carmelo o el vale como yo solía llamarle, mucho recuerdos que se quedaron conmigo no solo fue mi suegro fue como un padre, recuerdo ir al hospital de veteranos con el y esa parada en el junqueño teníamos que hacerla.
    Muchas historias de los...  more
    • Dafne Torres reacted on this.
    • Andy Torres
      Dafne Torres Papi también te amo como a un hijo más y tú lo cuidastes como a un padre. Gracias my love. Bellos recuerdos.
      • December 9, 2020
    • Andy Torres
      Nubia Fatme Fletter (Nieves) Gracias Andy sabes que Papi siempre te quiso como uno mas de nosotros. Abrazos
      • December 14, 2020
  • Nydelis Morales
    I’ll always remember the time listening to Dafne when she received a call from her dad and she would answer “Hi Papas”! Immediately, that caught my attention as I thought it was the sweetest thing for her to call him like that. It reminded me of a...  more
  • Dafne Torres
    • Dafne Torres
      Andy Torres Carmelo nieve báez el suegro o el vale como yo usaba llamarle mucha memoria muchos recuerdos que vivimos juntos siempre los recordaré como un padre el cual siempre tendré presente aunque el partio de la vida de nosotros siempre estará en nuestra...  more
      • December 9, 2020
  • Dafne Torres
  • Dafne Torres
  • Dafne Torres
    One of my favorite memories! My dad singing with his friends in their band called "Los Sapos del Cano". Dad had a beautiful voice and loved music. He wrote a handful of songs as well and several poems.
    • Dafne Torres
      Nubia Fatme Fletter (Nieves) Que bonitos recuerdos son esos de Papi con los sapos del caño. Es lo que más me acuerdo de mi niñez.
      • December 14, 2020
  • Annam Torres
    I knew that Carmelo Baez was a good father hearing all the stories my family would share about with him in it. I remember as a little girl that he would scold me about climbing onto things in his backyard. I knew it was typical for a grandfather to be...  more
    • Andy Torres and Dafne Torres reacted on this.
    • Annam Torres
      Dafne Torres Thank you Annam, that's beautiful. Abuelito loved you very much.
      • December 9, 2020
    • Annam Torres
      Andy Torres Carmelo o el vale como yo solía llamarle muchos recuerdos que estarán en mi memoria, cuando hibamos a hospital militar y teníamos que parar en el junqueño a comer unas alcapuria, tantas historias militar que desconocía,fue como un padre no un...  more
      • December 9, 2020
  • Dafne Torres
    I've admired dad my entire life. I admire him because of his amazing humanity, his integrity, his values, his work ethics and his dedication to family. I never heard my father gossip, nor judge anyone. I never saw him cheat, I never saw him lie (despite...  more
    • Dafne Torres
      Nubia Fatme Fletter (Nieves) I totally agree sis. Every word is true. I remember tons of his quotes but that one was one of my favorite.
      • December 14, 2020