
Charitable Donations in Honor of Christine Woodward
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Christine Woodward
Memorial Created By
Caitlin Goldman

Christine Woodward

September 24, 1969 - August 09, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Christine Woodward. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Christine was born and raised in northern Virginia but moved to Florida nearly 20 years ago.  When she passed on August 9th, 2020 she was just 50 years old.  She fought lung cancer last year and then she fought harder when that cancer moved to her brain earlier this summer.  She was mother to 10-year-old Bodhi, the joy of her life.  She was the beloved daughter of Jill and Lee and step-dad Geoff, and she was a faithful big sister to...  see more
2,088 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Gia Sullivan
    I met Christine when I was just a few months sober. She was graceful and badass. I wanted to be like her. She lived in her truth, she exuded peace. She had zero tolerance for BS. She took me under her wing and got me connected with an amazing group of...  more
  • Alexandra Costantini
    I’ll always remember when I first met Christine. We go back some years. She always included me in every thing, inviting me to her house for dinner or going to the movies. She always made me feel really loved and heard and appreciated. Even though...  more
  • Eric Norden
    Chris was helpful, and welcoming when we started working together. Except when I would play “I will do anything for love” by Meatloaf. She can’t stand that song. I was amazing how she would tell me about all the concerts she would take her son to...  more
  • Amy LeWinter
    I’ve known Chris since she moved to FL about 20 years ago. Over the years, we would lose touch, then I would find her again, and it was like no time had passed. Chris made me feel loved and cared for, and respected. No one could call me out with...  more
  • Claudia Mitchell Murray
    I only met Christine once, but it was instant love this girl with the beautiful red hair and sparkle in her eyes. Thank you so much Christine, for being an angel to someone that is so special to me.
    Claudia Murray
  • Kate Lafleur Ayers
    I met Chris when i first moved to Florida, I loved her immediately. She had the most honest, hilarious, accepting soul. I’ve never met anyone else like her. ❤️
  • Stephanie Aster
    I have so many memories of Chris throughout the years, but love my memories from work because she is so strong and intense and unlike anyone else I’ve ever met! Most recently I remember we were both working on a Saturday and had a tough group of girls...  more
  • Ashley Catronio
    If there is one thing I wish I could tell Chris is that Bodhi will grow up safe, happy and healthy. I wish I could tell her that I will treat him as one of my own. Chris we will always be cancer sisters. I will fight as long as I can just the way you did.
  • Ben Goodwin
    Four years ago I took a job opportunity and moved down to Florida and I really only knew one other person who came down here with me. Chris was the first friend I made when I came down and she instantly made me feel like we knew each other forever. As...  more
  • Olya Sophia
    Christine kept me sane most days where we worked. I enjoyed all of our lunches together where she would give it to me straight but with compassion. She was so involved in many peoples lives, making them better and brighter. I will miss her unique energy immensely.
  • Caitlin  Goldman
    One of my favorite memories of Chris was that wherever we went she would shamelessly make us take 100 pictures, hating every single one of them. Tommy was always such a good sport with our yoga pictures, taking as many takes as she requested even when we...  more
  • Caitlin  Goldman
    Caitlin Goldman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Christine Woodward:
    Christine's 50th
  • Caitlin  Goldman
    Caitlin Goldman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Christine Woodward:
    Ben's Wedding
  • Caitlin  Goldman
    Caitlin Goldman added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Christine Woodward:
    Yoga Time
  • Kat Minotti
    Christine Woodward,
    You were a force. You were a friend. A very, very dear friend. Here are just a few memories from over the years. I thought we had time to make so many more. You are missed so deeply by so many. I love you.