• Public Celebration honoring Danny Knudsen

    Feb 26, 2023, 4:00 PM US/Pacific

Memorial Created By
Elizabeth Schmidtke Knudsen

Danny Knudsen

May 31, 1965 - December 22, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Danny Knudsen. We hope this will be a place for all to share their stories, shared experiences, and memories. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and sign the guest book. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial. If you are...  see more

Danny was everywhere, all at once. He had the ability to change someone's life in minutes. He had a laugh that made everyone smile along. We were all fortunate enough to know him for years. Lisa and their daughters would love to collect and hear all the stories of the ways he contributed to your lives. Please share all stories in the format you like- no matter how sappy, crass, or outrageous they may be. Danny was quite a storyteller-...  see more
4,667 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Ken Finch
    I'm late to this as I just heard the news about Danny passing. I've fallen out of the cycling world a bit and from many of my friends from it. But even this late I wanted to post about Danny. I met him through our our mutual team and even though our...  more
  • Rick Potestio
    Danny was one of the first people I met when I retuned to Portland in '90 and got sucked into the bike racing scene. I had no friends and no idea what bike racing was...but I was running a team- Ciclo- and Danny was there to be my best friend, confidant,...  more
  • Stacey Peters
    I was intensely saddened by the news of Danny. Reluctant to write this. Started many times and then the flood of tears and I would stop. For Danny and me, you have to go back to the Ciclo days. Me the scruffy messenger-type. Danny ever graciously...  more
  • Stacy Gran
    This one is hard to write. Danny came into our lives via my brother Gordie Cumming and cycling. In the early days the team would stay at our house if they came to Southern California. When I would travel to Portland back in the 1990s to visit my...  more
  • brian auker
    These are from our trip to Death Valley, CA in (in think) 1992.
  • brian auker
    Danny was my brother from another mother, and it's taken a long time to muster the courage to admit that he's gone and open this page to write to write a remembrance because that means I have to read what everyone else has written and admit that he's...  more
  • Rich Cuellar
    Generous to a fault, unfailingly kind and upbeat, and just an all-around great guy and drummer. He was also damn funny. Unbeknownst to each other, We both decided to take up learning guitar later in life and both bought Telecasters. We had so many...  more
  • Tom Ghilarducci
    Thank you for coming into my life! Who could have known that when we met in December 1991 at Ciclo bike shop for the first organizational meeting of the bike team, that I was meeting someone who would help shape me as a person. I truly would not...  more
  • John McCaffrey
  • Monica Ketterling
  • Monica Ketterling
    I got the pleasure of meeting Danny through Gordie and Liesl. From the moment Gordie introduced us, Danny made me feel like I was “in”. His intense and detailed story telling, wild humor, and energy made being in his presence something like going to...  more
  • Liesl Farnsworth
  • Liesl Farnsworth
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Steven Clark
    My wife Carella and I lived across the street from Danny and Lisa. Danny and I bonded over his past career as a cyclist and my current one as a pro soccer player. He always always said to me whenever we said goodbye, " I believe in you this is your...  more
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Joseph Durkee
    Happy New Year Danny
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Joseph Durkee
  • Joseph Durkee
  • don hull
    Too many amazing memories to share about someone who was an older brother to me. I remember his sardonic reactions more than anything, especially towards the people who deserved it.

    Zurich, 1990. Just landed on a rainy night, somehow made it to a...  more
    • don hull
      Gordie Cumming It was always the four of us, always and forever. Then it was not. I will forever remember our last gathering together in Ashland in that '70s-themed lounge. Everything else from then on will just be different and we will find a special way to include...  more
      • December 30, 2022
  • Gordie Cumming
    I have no idea where to start for this. How do you capture 33 years of friendship, brotherhood, and family in a paragraph or two? You can't.
    Danny was literally the second person I met in Portland when I moved here. Where else but PIR. Since that...  more
  • Liesl Farnsworth
    Love you so much, Danny, Lisa, Nina, and Else. I will miss your big expressive heart, hugs, silliness, double peace signs, and so much more.
  • Shawn  Graybeal
    Danny, I've known you a long time and we've been through a lot - from crazy late nights out after shows and all manner of riding, to marriage, children, jobs good and bad, buying homes, moving, good times and not so good times. Through the hardest, rain...  more