Memorial Created By
Heather Curtis

Don Schatz

September 15, 1936 - December 06, 2020

This memorial website has been created to honor the remarkable life of Don Schatz. Because it is difficult to gather in person given the current circumstances related to COVID-19, we are hoping to collect remembrances and tributes here, where they can be a comfort and inspiration to all whose lives Don...  see more

Don Schatz -- Eunice’s Reflections I first met Don in a darkened room at the University of Chicago where a psychology professor was studying the relationship between Interest and Pupil Dilation.  Don was standing a few feet away with a camera focused on my eyes, but my interest was more in him.  Don and I had had several chance encounters over the preceding weeks where he seemed to want to pursue the relationship.  We discovered that...  see more
3,423 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Dereck Mangus
    Though I met with only Eunice one-on-one during the last few years of my work with Life/Work Direction, Don remained an ever-present and important part of my time there. He often answered the door when I arrived a little early at 32 Halifax Street and...  more
  • Stuart Katz
    Stuart Katz added 1 photo(s) to the memorial Don Schatz:
  • Scott Heald
    Don Schatz was a rock for me. He was an older man who cared deeply for me. A father in a way. I first met Don in the early 1980’s, not long after he and Eunice had moved from Chicago to Boston. The Schatz’s, together with Dick Faxon were exploring a...  more
  • Heather Curtis
    A tribute from Cameron Willard:

    as many times as i’ve tried to collect my thoughts about don.....passing

    i realize they are not complete

    i find my self
    our last 3 meetings
    in those closing weeks of september

    knowing i was leaving
    for a...  more
  • Jeffrey Bell
    My life was changed by an arts group that Don hosted back in the early 80s. A handful of young people, meeting in Dorchester on Sunday nights, searching for meaning and purpose and direction. I still have vivid memories of taking the T home on these...  more
  • Heather Curtis
    From Pam Kristan:
    • Heather Curtis
      Jeffrey Bell Coyote is a perfect word to describe Don. He was the ultimate loving, trickster friend.
      • January 24, 2021
  • Heather Curtis
    From Ruth Woll:

    Soon after arriving in Chicago in 1968, when the city was reeling from the events of the Democratic Convention, and the sense of conflict but also awakening was everywhere, Bruce and I met Don Schatz, a new friend of Eunice Russell. Don...  more
  • Don Lepley
    My clearest memories of Don are the most recent. I visited with him and Eunice more than 20 years ago, about five years after completing their process and moving west. Despite knowing my musical interests were classical not jazzy, Don asked if I would...  more
  • John Ustach
    Losing a dear friend
    is a harsh event.
    Couldn’t even see him …

    Years of memories
    are still existent,
    but no new created …

    I hold folks in dreams;
    wisdom’s access porch …
    somehow still with me.

    I hope that somewhere,
    we’re jawing again …
    Forever with flow.
  • Barbara Havens
    I cannot think of Don without thinking of his warm smile given in greeting and his very blue, twinkling eyes.......... and his laugh and sense of humor.
    Yes, he gave verbal challenges, and I learned to challenge back. But I always felt his...  more
  • Ron MacLean
    Oh, Don. Deep and dear friend, father figure, mentor, poet, jazz musician and afficionado, reluctant role model, comrade in banter, abstract expressionist, fellow explorer, sparring partner. He helped me find the man I am — poked and prodded against a...  more
  • Bruce Woll
    Dear Eunice, Don will always loom as a larger than life figure in my life - as do you. Those earliest years of our life in Chicago with you and Don were years of rebirth for Ruth and me and I realize that your living room supplied the warmth of the womb...  more
  • Heather Curtis
    A beautiful memorial song for Don sung by Paulea Mooney-McCoy
    Memorial Song for Don Schatz
  • Heather Curtis
    From Norman Lear:

    I was going through my second book of poems the other day, and noticed that Don was mentioned in two of them. One was about our sitting in Borders’ café on Michigan Avenue in Chicago and Don telling me I was “the last...  more
  • Heather Curtis
    From Alicia Faxon:

    Don was Richard's best friend. They were kindred spirits and greatly each other's company, Don would gently tease Richard and he would tease back, We are bereft of both of them. Don and I would have long conversations about art...  more