The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Duncan MacRae Payne
Raised $800
  Contributors (8)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Duncan MacRae Payne
Memorial Created By
Eliane Dotson

Duncan MacRae Payne

March 14, 1941 - August 15, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Duncan MacRae Payne. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Duncan MacRae Payne, 80, of Charlottesville, Virginia, passed away surrounded by his family on August 15, 2021.    Born on March 14, 1941 in Rochester, New York, he was son to the late Charles Fairfax Payne and Marcia Lane Payne. Duncan inherited his parents’ love of travel, heading off to Europe after graduating from Lehigh University with a Bachelor’s in International Relations. In Europe he became a serial academic, continuing his...  see more
1,137 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Ken Busby
    A lovely tribute to a lovely man. Duncan will be greatly missed!! Much love to France and the family from Dixie and Ken Busby in Tulsa....
  • Susan Dotson-Smith
  • Lea Ann Kannady
  • Jeanine et Herve TRAVERS
    May 1999 Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay. Mariage de Karine
    Heureux souvenirs
    Jeanine et Hervé Travers
  • Laura Fawcett
  • Robert Payne
    Some great memories of trips to Le Paradou and to Tulsa.
  • Valerie Beauvais
    Duncan star of Hula hop?!
    But always here for family!
  • Valerie Beauvais
    So much love to give!
  • Yvette Schmalz-Riedt
  • Hervé TRAVERS
  • Manuel Beauvais
  • Eliane Dotson
    He loved his family and was very proud of his kids and grandkids.
  • Itt Pamarapa
  • Toni Remington
    There are so many memories with France and Duncan, as well as Eliane and Jon. The best memory of all is the laughter and so many good times with everybody. We miss you, Mr. Duncan.
  • Eleanor Cartwright
  • Barbara & Mark Goodson
  • Deborah Austin Johnson
  • Jerry Huang
  • Sue Plaskon
  • Brent Johnson
  • Denzil Tallent
  • Ralph Schrader
  • Valerie Beauvais