The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Elisa Marie Gallelli


Funeral Expenses & Support the family.

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You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Elisa Marie Gallelli
Memorial Created By
Janice Melillo

Elisa Marie Gallelli

May 25, 1982 - April 12, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Elisa Marie Gallelli . Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Elisa was an incredibly loving mother and wife, whose love for her children was immeasurable. Everything she did in life was for them, as they were her whole world. Flowers, sweets, the beach, animals, 90’s music, dinners with her family, The Patriots and being her Daddy’s little Italian princess were some of her favorite things. The water was her happy place. Any time she could be in the water she would swim like a mermaid. Elisa was...  see more
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