
Charitable Donations in Honor of Ellis (Papa) Tuttle
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Memorial Created By
Claudia l Tuttle

Ellis (Papa) Tuttle

We created a memorial to celebrate the life of Ellis (Papa) Tuttle. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Ellis Tuttle known to all who knew and loved him as Pupa, passed away unexpectedly on Thursday November 5th, with his family by his side. Papa was the heart of his family and will be greatly missed. Ellis enjoyed hunting, fishing, and being in the great outdoors.   Ellis is predeceased by his mother and father, an infant son and a nephew.   Ellis is survived by his beloved wife Claudia, two daughters Jenna and Barbara, three sons...  see more
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