The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Esther Iris Blum
Raised $192
  Contributors (6)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Esther Iris Blum
Memorial Created By
Deborah Blum

Esther Iris Blum

June 10, 2005 - November 02, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Esther Iris Blum . Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Esther was a kind, generous spirit, who loved us (their parents) and their entire family, especially sister Rachel, aunt Rebecca, grandpa George, grandma Susan and grandpa John. Beloved dog, Sparky, and cat, Moonlight, held special places in Esther's heart, as well. In fact, Esther was the one who urged us to get a dog. They were strong, smart, creative and sensitive. At Pressman Academy (1-8th grades, graduated 2019), they sang in...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Donald Vanderweit
    Esther is never far from our thoughts, especially this time of year when their irises are blooming.
  • Susan Laemmle
    During vacation periods, I enjoyed taking Esther and a friend on excursions. Here we see her with Ariella Hirschhorn at the Getty Villa as well as with a friend whose name I don't remember ice skating in Santa Monica.
    • Deborah Blum reacted on this.
    • Susan Laemmle
      Deborah Blum Thanks, Mom, for adding these sweet pictures of Esther with friends. The ice-skating friend is Ilana Vanderweit, who also went to Pressman.
      • July 10, 2022
  • Susan Laemmle
    In July 2016 we took a road trip with Esther to Bryce & Zion National Parks. She stayed in touch with friends by phone while relishing the adventure with us. We're very glad we made that trip.
    • Deborah Blum reacted on this.
    • Susan Laemmle
      Deborah Blum Esther gazing out at the world! One of my favorite photos! So glad you traveled together and enjoyed that time in nature.
      • July 10, 2022
  • Susan Laemmle
    When Grandpa John turned 80 in 2014, Esther joined the celebration at Naulakha, the Brattelboro VT home of Rudyard Kipling. There she experienced moments of quiet, of play with her sister Rachel, and of being with aunt Rebecca and other family members.
  • Deborah Blum
    Bat Mitzvah photos. June 2018. Recently one of Warren's cousins told me how impressed they were with how well Esther learned to chant Torah and Haftorah. As with most things. Esther studied and then did well.
    • Susan Laemmle reacted on this.
    • Deborah Blum
      Susan Laemmle These lovely photos bring back happy memories of how poised and happy Esther was at her Bat Mitzvah.
      • May 16, 2022
  • Katherine Friedman
    I remember the first time I met Esther, when my oldest daughter was just a baby and Esther was about 10 years old. Esther was doing cartwheels on the low balance beam in their living room, and every time they finished one, the baby laughed. Esther kept...  more
    • Deborah Blum reacted on this.
    • Katherine Friedman
      Deborah Blum Thanks for that lovely memory, Katherine, One of Esther's talents definitely was gymnastics.
      • July 10, 2022
  • Kim  Linse
  • Erica Huls
    Ester’s Pressman class in Israel 5 years ago ❤️
  • Michael Conti
    Happy Meal at Farmers Market, March 2018
  • Diane Laemmle
  • Deborah Blum
    Spring 2021
  • Deborah Blum
    Costa Rica, July 2021
  • Deborah Blum
    At Milken with friends. Fall 2021
  • Deborah Blum
    At family gathering in Bolinas with cousins Lily and Naomi.
  • Deb Engel
  • Shira Landau
  • Deborah Blum
    gymnastics april2019
  • Deborah Blum
    Spring and Summer, 2021. Esther got very into horseback riding and we went on a two hour trail ride in August that they loved. Also, when Esther's sister Rachel visited from New York, that was a big treat.
  • Deborah Blum
    Grand Canyon trip, August 2021.
  • Deborah Blum
    Esther, Mom Deborah, and Sister Rachel - Swimming at Park La Brea. Sept. 2015.
  • Deborah Blum
    Literary Magazine party. Fall 2021.
    Esther and friends attend the Milken Literary Magazine launch party. Left to Right: Ayla Kattler ‘23, Eden Hirsch ‘23, Vivien Gordon ‘23, Shayna Schreiber ‘23, Esther Blum z"l
  • Deborah Blum
    Warren, Deborah and Esther make video for Esther's great-grandmother Alyse Laemmle's 105th birthday.