• Burial Service

    Aug 22, 2021, 9:00 AM Europe/Athens

  • Virtual Memorial Service

    Aug 21, 2021, 7:00 PM Europe/Athens

  • Virtual Memorial Service

    Aug 19, 2021, 7:00 PM Europe/Athens

Memorial Created By
Tino Rwodzi

Florence Erina Ziumbe

February 27, 1957 - August 16, 2021

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Florence Erina Ziumbe. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort.

Florence lived a remarkable life. She liked to remind her children that she used to walk barefoot many kilometers to school, only after her Sekuru was satisfied with her work in the fields. This was a big part of how she understood herself, a rural girl who by the grace of God got to move to the city, go to university, find love and travel the world with her husband and three children. Florence saw great change in her life, but for her...  see more
3,858 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Rachel Matewa
    A life full of honour and admiration. A life well lived in God's full glory. THE epitome of THE proverbs 31 virtuous woman. An exceptional woman who lived, loved and served throughout her life. I had the pleasure of knowing the amazing and admirable...  more
  • Berita Nyika
    Am sitting in the lounge in front of a tv and unexpectedly` Amai features and she is being interviewed and sharing about her life and her family and wow she looks amazing and confident and am so excited and am saying ndi Mai vangu ivavo😂💪💪. I...  more
  • handgrenade mampara
    Noah, Tashinga, Kundai, and Munatsi

    What an honour to have had a place at Florence's table, and what sorrow now that  she has suddenly departed, left you all broken hearted , and us too. We take solace in her strong Christian faith, and having watched...  more
  • Emily Dube
  • Molly Nherera
  • Molly Nherera
    Little did I know that this was going to be the last time I would see you in this life...a part of me wishes I had stopped for the night like you insisted & would have spent more time with you😭! You took me into your bedroom and picked from your...  more
    • Molly Nherera
      Molly Nherera #necklacefromFlo
      • August 21, 2021
    • Molly Nherera
      Emily Dube Maiguru Mai Ziumbe no words can describe the blow shock loss and void.. !
      • August 22, 2021
  • Ivonne Gascón
  • Ivonne Gascón
    Florence tenía una sonrisa franca y hermosa, sus abrazos eran cálidos y sinceros, toda ella era alegría, cariño y cercanía, la recordaré siempre con mucho amor. Deseo que nuestro buen Padre de paz y fuerza a sus hijos y esposo. Dios les bendiga,...  more
  • Joel Gombera
  • Rashma Gopal
    To be absent in the body is to present with the Lord. Aunty Flo rest in peace my Makoti. You fought the good fight, you have finished your course. Now is laid instore a crown of righteousness that Christ the Righteous Judge
    Has kept for you. See you...  more
  • nomalungelo nyathi
    I have struggled to find words! I am still at a loss. All I know is that she is one incredible woman and all is is still lives and speaks in and through all of us that she touched! I have friends who could say things after meeting her once. My heart is...  more
  • Unami Jeremiah
  • Unami Jeremiah
    Titus 2:3 -5  “Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor benslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may instruct the young women in sensibility: to love their husbands, to love their...  more
  • Tino Rwodzi
  • Mercy Shambare
    I met Ambuya Florence in 2015. I had travelled to Zimbabwe for my cousin’s wedding and since my cousin and the rest of the bridal team were supposed to stay at the Ziumbe’s place I was also invited to stay there during the wedding.
    On the day I...  more
  • Tinotenda Nyika
    RIP Gogo. You were and still are an inspiration. Although it's difficult to wrap our heads around you no longer being here, I know that you're in a better place. You're shining from heaven like you did here on earth. I love you Ambuya. Zororai murugare ♥️
  • Handirubvi Wakatama
    Forever in our hearts.
    Pictured here with my son Phillip K.W Wakatama-Herring in Maryland, beginning of 2020.
  • Akeel Sachak
    This is Florence Ziumbe as I remember her larger than life with an even larger heart who invariably lit up any room she entered with her infectious love, warmth, enthusiasm and passion for life in the way few can do. This photo was taken on one of the...  more
  • Joanna Munengwa
  • GC Lukhele
    Thank you for this.
    • GC Lukhele
      Terence Mutongerwa RIP Flo - My legend, adorable Mother, Mentor, Kind, Loving Heart ❤️ and Family.
      Thank you and I will aways cherish you, love you, Father Noah.
      That infectious Smile, laugh, Fun and joyful joy
    • GC Lukhele
      Unesu Moyo Aunty Flo epitomised love and I am a by-product of her love. I have always felt I had two mothers, my biological mother and Aunty Flo who was such a dear friend and sister to my parents so much so that she was in the delivery room when I was born and...  more
      • August 20, 2021
    • GC Lukhele
      Florence Gopal My Aunty Flo as I called her. She would refer to me as sazita
      A woman who loved God
      A woman of faith
      A woman of a broken spirit and contrite heart
      A woman who loved her husband and  family dearly
      A woman who was unselfish, so amazingly  generous
      A...  more
      • August 21, 2021
    • GC Lukhele
      Clorisa Ranganayi Mbuya Florence Ziumbe...

      To call her mbuya, was an honour bestowed upon us through friendships with Ndayizivei Kutirayi-Takawira. Sekuru Noah being the conduit for that relationship.

      A beautiful soul, kind, selfless and bottom line goodness. An open...  more
      • August 30, 2021