We have chosen to keep the funeral small due to COVID-19. In order to accommodate those who would still like to honor the life and memory of Gina Storll we have arranged to live stream the service on Danny Storll's Facebook page at 3:30pm. You will find information on how to stream on Gina's page. For those who are not attending in person, we ask that you please leave a memory or condolence. Given that we cannot all be together during this time, we would appreciate any stories or memories you have of Gina. To leave a memory or condolence simply click on that section and select the "add+" button. If possible please submit these memories by Saturday, September 12th at 6:30pm so the family can look them over during the service. We love you all and hope to celebrate the life of Gina Storll in person together soon.
Charitable Donations in Honor of Gina Denise Storll (Welch)
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Gina Denise Storll (Welch)
Welcome to the memorial page for Gina Storll. During these unprecedented times we are not able to gather and celebrate the vivid life of Gina like we should. For this reason we have created this memorial page where you can share your photos and memories of Gina. To leave a memory simply click on the... see moreWelcome to the memorial page for Gina Storll. During these unprecedented times we are not able to gather and celebrate the vivid life of Gina like we should. For this reason we have created this memorial page where you can share your photos and memories of Gina. To leave a memory simply click on the “posts” section and click the “+add” button in the top right corner. You can also find information on the live stream service (TBD) under the “events” section. We look forward to seeing your memories, they really do touch our hearts. With love, the Storll family.