Memorial Created By
Yacob Yonas

Gossaye Taye Abayre

November 22, 1988 - December 27, 2021

In rememberance of Gossaye, the family has established a memorial fund to which you may contribute, if you are so moved: We created a memorial to celebrate the life of Gossaye. Please check back in a couple days for funeral details.

[English version below]   የጎሳዬ ታየ አጭር የህይወትከ ታሪክ ።   ጎሣዬ ከአባቱ ከታየ አባይሬ ወልደ ጊዮርጊስ እና ከእናቱ  ከወዘሮ ጥሩወርቅ ማንያዘዋል ኃይለ ማርያም እንደ አውሮፓ አቆጣጠር በህዳር 1988 ወላጆቹ በዲፕሎማቲክ ተልእኮ በኖሩበት በኪዩባ ሪፐብሊክ ርዕሠ ከተማ ...  see more
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  • Yacob Yonas
  • Styles Freely
  • Yacob Yonas
  • Sara Tsegaye
  • Y Z
    Y Z
  • Mulu Bekele
  • Y Z
    Y Z:
    • Y Z
      Y Z We were blessed to have you in our lives. The world was better because you were in it. You left us and gone to heaven this early in your life. You will be sorely missed. Always in our minds, forever in our hearts. I love you and will miss forever my...  more
      • January 3, 2022
    • Y Z
      Sara Tsegaye ጎሣይ የእግዚአብሔር መልክተኛ ነው!! ለእኛ ለስውች ይህ ከንቱ ዓለም እንዳያታልለን የተላክ መላክ ነው:: እግዜር ከአባታችን ከአብርሃም ከይስሐቅ ጎን ነፍሱን ያኖርልን ለእናት ለእባቱ ለወንድሙም መፅናናትን ይስጥልን::
      • January 4, 2022
  • Y Z
    Y Z:
    It’s unbelievable to know that you’re gone, I just can’t process that. All the memories we’ve created, the fun times that we had and more importantly, the Gossa we loved is now gone. However, you might not be here with us physically today, but...  more
  • Georgina Vasquez
  • Gossaye Taye