The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Irene Massie O'Mara
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Memorial Created By
Diane O'Mara

Irene Massie O'Mara

August 26, 1937 - February 26, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Irene Massie O'Mara. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

The saying goes that only the good die young. This most certainly did not apply to Irene O’Mara. On February 26, 2022, after a brief illness we said good bye to our beloved sister, Gran, aunt, mother-in-law, friend.   Irene was born in Nain, Labrador, on August 26, 1937 to David and Louise Massie. She was one of 11 siblings and the oldest of only two girls in a house full of boys. Irene left Labrador, encouraged by her Dad to go, and...  see more
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  • Cookie Lethbridge
    Sending condolences to the Massie family! I’m so sorry for your loss.
  • Jennifer Juniper
    What a wonderful tribute! She sounds like such a special lady. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and light to all of you 💜✨