
Charitable Donations in Honor of James Lee Andrews
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to James Lee Andrews
Memorial Created By
Kirsten Andrews

James Lee Andrews

January 11, 1944 - September 09, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of James Lee Andrews. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. As we plan virtual and in person gatherings, we will share details here. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

James Lee Andrews January 11, 1944 – September 9, 2020 James Lee (Jim) Andrews was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on January 11, 1944. He was adopted by Louise Seeger Andrews and Walter G. Andrews when he was 4. He died of cancer on September 9, 2020. Jim grew up on the outskirts of Saint Paul, Minnesota where he graduated from St. Paul Academy in 1963. He attended Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. In 1965 while at Beloit, Jim was...  see more
3,245 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Kathy Alexander - Minardi
    My memories of Jim were from high school and college years through AFS. I remember the red XKE in the photos! Jim and his family and his friends were such loving people and so kind to me. When he was on his Junior year in Germany, I was in a program...  more
  • Florian Huber
    Thank you for all the memories that were shared here and during the memorial last Sunday. They are beautiful.

    I am particularly thankful for the older memories from when Jim was younger because I've only known him since 1991. Jim was my godfather and I...  more
    • Florian Huber
      Kirsten Andrews Oh Flo, your memories and words are such a good representation of dad. I'm so happy you got to spend quality time with him and have great memories despite the distance. Thanks for being an awesome cousin! Much love, Kirsten
      • October 28, 2020
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Eulogy for Jim

    Jim was a many-faceted man, creative, original and inquisitive. He was lifelong learner always eager to figure things out and solve problems often waking in the middle of the night or while napping. He’d go to the computer and write...  more
  • Pamela Sheffield
    Ursula, Kirsten, Helene and all those who loved Jim,
    I'm not a person who is comfortable speaking in public, and even more so when my emotions are running hot, as they were this morning. I accept this about myself, but today it was a trait I wished I...  more
    • Pamela Sheffield
      Ursula Andrews Dearest Pam, what a beautiful tribute to your uncle Jim, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Much love, Ursula
      • October 19, 2020
    • Pamela Sheffield
      Kirsten Andrews Pammy, thank you dear cousin for those beautiful words and memories about both our fathers. Big warm hug. Love you!
      • October 19, 2020
  • Emilia Cargill
    Thank you for such a beautiful service today Kirsten, Ursula & Leyna. Love you so very much. Love Menum
    • Emilia Cargill
      Ursula Andrews Thank you, Emilia and Kaarin, for joining us today in celebration of Jim's life. Much love to you, Ursula
      • October 19, 2020
    • Emilia Cargill
      Kirsten Andrews Hi Menum, Thank you so much! It was so nice to see you and your mom. Thanks for the lovely tribute.
      • October 19, 2020
  • anna burgos martin
    Hace muchos años que estas en mi corazón, fue 1987 que me invitasteis y acogisteis durante un mes en vuestra casa Jim y Úrsula, me hiciste pasar momentos muy felices, que solo se repiten una vez en la vida los cuales tampoco son eternos y se van como...  more
    • anna burgos martin
      Kirsten Andrews Querida Anna my hermana, gracias por las palabras y memorias tan bonitas! Siempre estas en nuestras corazones!
    • anna burgos martin
      Kirsten Andrews You have been in my heart for many years, it was 1987 that you invited me and welcomed me to your house for a month Jim and Úrsula. You made very happy moments for me, which only have been repeated once in my life which are not eternal and they go away...  more
      • October 19, 2020
    • anna burgos martin
      Ursula Andrews Dear Anna, thank you for joining us in Jim's honor on Sunday and for sharing your memory of him . I think of you often and how much we enjoyed having you here with us in !987. Some day I hope to meet your husband and sons, also. Much love, Ursula
    • anna burgos martin
      anna burgos martin Thanks to you for letting me share Jim's farewell moment, I would have loved to be with you and hug you, I would also have liked to say goodbye with a few words to Jim, but the computer microphone did not work, surely !! It would have been difficult to...  more
      • October 20, 2020
  • Inka  Eisfeld
    From Uschi Eisfeld
    The Eisfeld family has known Ursula and Jim Andrews since they lived in Thönse, a little village near Hannover. They had two girls, who were slightly older than our daughters.
    Right from the beginning our families felt comfortable...  more
    • Inka  Eisfeld
      Kirsten Andrews Dear Inka, beloved German sister, thank you for writing such beautiful memories~
    • Inka  Eisfeld
      Ursula Andrews Dearest Usch, thanks so much for joining us on Sunday and also sharing some memories. Our families are truly connected and your daughters are our daughters. Much love, Usch
  • Marie Lorgen
    I will always remember Jim for his friendly smile and positive outlook. He always made everyone feel so welcome. We will miss him.
  • Hadya Eisfeld
    I am the eldest sister of Inka and Pine Eisfeld who both share more memories of Jim than me. Each of them lived with Jim and Usch for a year, Usch even is Pine’s godmother. But I was the first and lucky one who got to spend a week with the two of them...  more
    • Hadya Eisfeld
      Ursula Andrews Hadya, I remember that day we spent up in Vancouver, what a fun time we had. I am glad that our families have bonded so well and are still friends after all these years. Hugs to you and the girls, Usch
      • October 19, 2020
    • Hadya Eisfeld
      Kirsten Andrews Hadya, Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing the wonderful memories and photos!!
      • October 19, 2020
  • Rolf G. Wiele
    Jim came into our class in Hannover - and into my life - in 1962. With his invitation to visit and stay with his family in St Paul for one year he also established the rest of my life. That year determined everything in my future. And that was a...  more
    • Rolf G. Wiele
      Kirsten Andrews Dear Rolf, It was so nice to see you and thank you for the wonderful things you've written and said. Dad loved his time with you.
      • October 19, 2020
    • Rolf G. Wiele
      Ursula Andrews Dear Rolf and Annette, thank you for joining us on Sunday in celebration of Jim's life- a life well lived. He often spoke of you, Rolf, in connection with your stay at the Andrews as a foreign exchange student. Jim also was fond of remembering your...  more
      • October 20, 2020
  • Pine Eisfeld-Pierantonio
    I spent a year with Jim and Usch when I was 16 and had to attend zero period which started at 6:40 am. Jim would drive me to school in the dark in his pickup truck cheerily singing Mr Roger's "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" which...  more
    • Pine Eisfeld-Pierantonio
      Kirsten Andrews Dear Pine, Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories and photos. It warms my heart!
      • October 19, 2020
  • Inka  Eisfeld
    Jim, I can still hear you singing "I scream, you scream, everybody loves ice cream" on your way to the utility room where the freezer stood. One time I came for a vacation with my best friend Floh and you would announce regularly "girls, I´m going to...  more
    • Inka  Eisfeld
      Kirsten Andrews Dear Inka, I think you hit the nail on the head with the 'ice cream' song memory!!
    • Inka  Eisfeld
      Ursula Andrews Hi Inxi, ice cream remained one of Jim's favorite treats 'til the very end of his life. Thanks for joining us on Sunday. Love, Usch
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Sent by Ulf and Irene Popp
    • Kirsten Andrews
      Ursula Andrews Dear Irene and Ulf, wonderful Fotos, especially the one of Jim and Ulf looking like they were hatching some mischief! Warm hugs to you, Ursula
      • October 20, 2020
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Dear Jim,
    let me thank you with all my heart for 60 years of your outstanding, true and caring friendship, , for tying together our families, for the many hours we spent filled with jokes and laughters, for your generosity , your encouragement and...  more
  • Barbara Schnabel
    As with so many others who have written about Jim, I remember his kindness and his good sense of humor. He was an attentive listener. Jim was generous with his artistic talent in glass work and photography making lasting gifts for others. Jim was a good...  more
    • Barbara Schnabel
      Ursula Andrews Dear Barbara, thank you for your heartwarming words. Yes, Jim was very artistic and his windows were always based on personal details of the people for whom he created them. Warmly, Ursula
      • October 20, 2020
  • Eveline and Thomas Grossmann
    In February 2017 Ursel and Jim came to Switzerland and (having seen the beautiful landscape surrounding their home) we enjoyed together quality time and our alpine mountains and gorges – and Jim took the opportunity to acquire yet another model...  more
  • Eveline and Thomas Grossmann
    We are family – but it took until 2016 that we really met. Starting our RV-tour from Seattle to Anchorage that spring, we took the opportunity to visit Ursel and Jim. We immediately found a lot of common ground and exchanged our views and opinions in...  more
    • Eveline and Thomas Grossmann
      Ursula Andrews Hallo Eveline und Thomas, schön dass Ihr am Sonntag bei der Feier fuer Jim dabeisein konntet. Hoffen wir dass unsere Gemeinsamkeiten uns auch in Zukunft inning verbinden. Liebe Grüße, Ursel
      • October 20, 2020
  • Dirk Gerdes
    To know, that Jim has passed away, gives me deep pain, but cannot erase my memories associated with this wonderful person! Here are some of my illustrated diary notes:

    In 1965, Jim had just arrived at Heidelberg, I invited him to join my student...  more
    • Dirk Gerdes
      Kirsten Andrews Oh Dirk, Thank you for posting these wonderful memories and photos. We cherish them and you! Kirsten, Ursula, Helene
      • October 15, 2020
    • Dirk Gerdes
      Kirsten Andrews
      Hallo Dirk, Tausend dank fuer Deine lieben Worte. Die Erinnerungen an unsere Zeit in Heidelberg nicht nur waehrend der Studienzeit sondern auch bei unseren diversen spaeteren Besuchen werden uns/mich noch oft aufheitern. -Ursel
      • October 15, 2020
  • Dirk Gerdes
    Dirk Gerdes added 1 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews:
  • Dirk Gerdes
    Dirk Gerdes added 5 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews:
  • Dirk Gerdes
    Dirk Gerdes added 3 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews:
  • Heidi Singfield
    As I look through my memories of Jim, many of the them revolve around his being a wonderful neighbor to us. Jim showed all of us in our neighborhood that he cared for us through action- maintaining the road and various other projects so that we had less...  more
    • Dirk Gerdes and Kirsten Andrews reacted on this.
    • Heidi Singfield
      Kirsten Andrews Hi Heidi and Norm, Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Your memories are very special to hear. Best, Kirsten, Ursula and Helene
      • October 15, 2020
    • Heidi Singfield
      Ursula Andrews Heidi and Norm-reading your loving comments again about our beloved Jim made me chuckle as they capture his personality very well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Ursula
      • October 20, 2020
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Kirsten Andrews added 5 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews:
  • Helen  Zimmerman
    My friendship with Jim began on Stuart Island many years ago.

    Jim's full life included his stained glass artistry, volunteer work, home & yard projects, travel, attending concerts & plays, socializing and always being there for family &...  more
    • Kirsten Andrews reacted on this.
    • Helen  Zimmerman
      Kirsten Andrews Dear Helen, Thank you for your beautiful words. We cherished time with you on Stuart Island so much!
      • October 13, 2020
    • Helen  Zimmerman
      Ursula Andrews Dear Helen- We have had quite a long running friendship and Jim always deferred to Ted when he could not solve a problem during one of our stays on Stuart Island. Those two are up to their usual antics now, I am sure of it. Thank you for sharing your...  more
      • October 19, 2020
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Kirsten Andrews added 4 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews:
  • Kirsten Andrews
    Kirsten Andrews added 5 photo(s) to the memorial James Lee Andrews: