The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Jax Taveus Phalen('David Jaxon Page')
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Memorial Created By
Jax Phalen

Jax Taveus Phalen('David Jaxon Page')

June 26, 1999 - September 29, 2019

We celebrate the life of Jax Phalen(Page). Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. No negativity please.

This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one Jax Taveus Phalen also known as David Jaxon Page. He was born on June 26th 1999 in Denver CO and passed away on September 29 2019 in Monument CO at the age of 20.   He will be missed by Family, Extended Family, Friends and the Lives he touched in positive ways.' He was intelligent, loving and passionate. His dream was to raise endangered animals in his own...  see more
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