• Celebration of Life

    Apr 15, 2020, 4:00 PM US/Eastern


Charitable Donations in Honor of Jo Draper
Select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Jo Draper
Memorial Created By
Josh Draper

Jo Draper

May 30, 1966 - March 24, 2020

To celebrate the life of a person who touched so many, the most fitting tribute is to please keep talking, always be open, and share your feelings.

If you can pardon the very timely pun, there was something wonderfully infectious about Jo's personality. The trademark laugh, the warm smile, and a lifetime's worth of selfless acts. I passionately feel that being open and sharing your feelings can literally be the difference between life and death, and that is the most valuable legacy we can all take from the most tragic of endings to my Jo’s life that everybody can benefit...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Clare Ellen
    I’ve known Joanne since we were children living just a few houses apart and going to the same schools. Some of my earliest memories are of us all playing out in the street, I hadn’t seen Jo for a few years but have very fond memories of all growing...  more
  • Zoe  Walden
    I worked with Jo for over 10 years at Tesco. She was always full of jokes and banter and was always happy to go for a hot chocolate and a chat. Jo had a heart of gold and would do anything for you, She always asked after my boys and loved to see...  more
  • Catherine Ward
    I first met Jo when I joined the Export Team nearly 10 years ago. She had a fantastic sense of humour and would regularly get us all told off from the noise we used to make laughing at her jokes. There are so many of her funny comments and thoughts...  more
  • Selina Wood
    I worked with Jo from my first day in export back in Nov 2019. I just can’t count the number of times she made me laugh, such a wicked sense of humour. Jo was a good friend who would always be there for you and was caring, thoughtful and very loving....  more
  • Frances Tongue
    I met Jo when I joined the export team at Tesco back in 2013.
    I didn’t know her well to start with but over the years we became good friends.
    We often sat next to each other and her sense of humour and “inappropriate” jokes got me through many a...  more
  • Paula Gannon
    I first met Jo when she joined Amigos a social club based around Ware. I don’t remember getting to know her straight away although we did talk. It was when we went on a day trip to London that we discovered a mutual hate of slimming clubs (but a need...  more
  • gill drummond
    I first met Jo many years ago when she lived opposite my friend when she lived in Stevenage Old Town which may have been when Josh was a small baby. I didn't know her very well then, but knew of her from working at Tesco. I then came to work in the...  more
  • Paula Latuske
    I met Jo over 25 years ago at Tesco. We got to know each other as colleagues and then, gradually, as friends. She gave me a lift to a team do in London one evening, and that was it. We didn’t necessarily have lots of common interests but we just got...  more
  • Jane Mansell
    I remember first meeting Jo at a Cubs/Scouts swimming gala. We sat next to each other watching our boys compete and soon struck up a conversation, in fact we didn’t stop chatting all evening. We remained firm friends ever since. From days out to ...  more
  • Karen  Carter
    I clicked with Jo straight away. We used to laugh so much it would make my face hurt or tears would run down my face.

    We often laughed at nonsense. We even got split up at work because we talked too much.

    Jo was so supportive when I was off work with...  more
  • Emily Whyte
    Jo was, to me, the cadet night driver, the front door talker (whilst waiting for Josh to get ready) and an overall lovely person to have known.
    Always supportive and interested in Josh and I's St John achievements, I'll never forget the amount of times...  more
  • Anna Fingo
    I’ll always remember the friendship we shared. My memories of Jo are all happy ones. We are both ardent Spurs fans and apart from this what impressed me about Jo was her very kind, easy going nature. She didn’t have a bad word to say about anybody....  more