
Charitable Donations in Honor of John Hutcherson
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Memorial Created By
Cendri Hutcherson

John Hutcherson

February 19, 1949 - August 18, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to remember and celebrate the life of John Hutcherson. Sharing your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

John Ray Hutcherson  passed away in the afternoon of August 18, 2021 after a long and fiercely fought battle with cancer, his daughters by his side. John was a lifelong pursuer of spiritual understanding and transcendence. Although he started his journey in Missouri, he spent his life drawn to experiences around the globe in his quest as both student and teacher, impacting many fellow seekers' lives along the way.  John’s childhood...  see more
1,797 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Antonio Coutinho
    My name is Antonio Coutinho and I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil.
    I have just found out about John`s passing a few days ago, and felt obliged to write a few lines here.
    I meet John (not in person) in 2010 on an on-line Working group. He played a very special...  more
  • richard cowen
    I met John in 1959. His family had moved to Joplin, Missouri to buy and run a small motel. John and I met in Webelo’s, the pre-Boy Scout organization for 10 1/2 year old boys. We became pretty much inseparable through Boy Scouts until I left for...  more
  • David Hutcherson
    Hail the traveler! Sail on, Uncle John.
  • franklin wilson
    This letter is from Costa Rica January 2022 .

    It contains my remembrances to share with the family and friends of John R Hutcherson . John was a dear friend and all who could claim this status have been truly blessed in LIFE !

    We met around 2005 in...  more
  • Robert London
    I met John on the fifth Claymont course, and later when he lived in Royalston. He was always truthful and direct, and I learned much from him. I will miss his presence! Bob London
  • Robert London
    • Robert London
      Robert London I met John on the fifth Claymont course, and later when he lived in Royalston. He was always truthful and direct, and I learned much from him. I will miss his presence! Bob London
      • September 26, 2021
  • Cassie Morton
    My son, Luke, was lucky enough to marry Miri, and Refugio and I have been blessed to share her and two adorable grandsons. John was such a powerful force, a man who could peer into your soul. We’ll continue to feel his presence through them, though I...  more
  • Cassie Morton
  • Clare Dougan
  • Ben Freidenberg
    I am 4th or 5th from the left in the 1st standing row, glasses, hand on heart.

    I first met Hutch in 1976 during the second Basic Course at Claymont. A bit later during the course we became friends and have been ever since. I will always remember the...  more
    • Ben Freidenberg
      Bram Moreinis Beautiful and true, Ben! I met John at camp caravan, and he turned me onto the Enneagram. I fell in love with his mind and spirit then, and we helped each other with online groups we ran for years after. I remember when he got his diagnosis, how ready he...  more
  • Ben Freidenberg
  • Jerry Toporovsky
    I met Hutch in 1974 at Sherborne and we never were out of touch. He from Joplin, Missouri, me a jew from Brooklyn. Couldn't be more different and yet. Susan and I essence friends, such a special being. I loved John, we communicated a good deal the last...  more
    • Jerry Toporovsky
      Ben Freidenberg
      • September 23, 2021
    • Jerry Toporovsky
      Joan Henry I spent some time with Hutch shortly before his death as he visited his daughters and family members in San Diego area. Slowly, slowly he was observing the loss of sensation in his moving center and loss of emotion in his feeling center. He was able to...  more
      • April 19, 2022
  • Ana Alvarez
  • Sascha Meinert
  • Florence Bray
  • Karoline Kupperroth
    R.I.P. dear John. i will never forget the time with you and Ayalah in the seminars .
  • Faouzi Discacciati
    God bless his Soul
  • Faouzi Discacciati
  • Pauline Tiben
  • Mercedes Castaneira
  • Terry Donnelly
    We met john in 2013 in Turkey and from that time until the present, rarely a week went by without meeting with him on line. We toured ashrams in India with him in 2016. Every day in every way he got better and better. God bless his soul.
  • Terry Donnelly
  • Bob Gerber
    There was the 10' tall one and the one at the 2019 seminar who had trouble walking. There was the manipulative one and the sincere one, the crazy one and the clear eyed one, the intimidating one and the sad one, the harsh and the sensitive ones... and a...  more
  • melinda mele
  • Or Reder
  • Naama Granot
  • Jim Brasunas
  • Jim Brasunas
    I'm sorry to hear of Hutch's passing away from this world. He was a true pillar of the Claymont Community, and always held us to account for deviating this way or that. May his children and all of those whose life he touched be well, happy, and free...  more
  • Ellen Arrison