Memorial Created By
Rico & Ana Correia

Josefina Ross

September 17, 1929 - July 22, 2022

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Josefina Ross. Just know that Josefina had an impact our lives. Joy, laughter and positive energy were her calling card. Thank you for sharing her with us! We will always remember her quick wit, her sparkling smile and her New York state of mind. We pray that...  see more

            DON'T CRY FOR ME Don't cry for me at my grave, for I am not there,My soul flies free, a butterfly in the air,Don't shed a tear because I am gone,Instead smile, inside of you I live on,Don't cry because you can no longer  see me,                         Instead be happy for I am with Thee,So please wipe away all sadness and  tears,And just remember all the happy years,Don't cry, because I am not here,Think of all the...  see more
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