The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Judson Douglas Knott
Raised $3,050
  Contributors (43)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Judson Douglas Knott
Memorial Created By
Rachael Knott Tucker

Judson Douglas Knott

January 21, 1952 - July 04, 2020

We created this memorial site to celebrate the life of Judson Douglas Knott. No memorial is planned at this time. Please share your pictures and memories here.

DON'T CRY BECAUSE IT IS OVER; SMILE BECAUSE IT HAPPENED. We celebrate the life of Judson Douglas Knott, who lost his battle with heart disease on July 4, 2020. Judd was a headstrong and pragmatic leader who always had a smile for his grandchildren. He loved all kinds of music, from The Kinks to The Mavericks to Pink Martini to Neil Young and could often be found listening to music while working in the yard or cooling off in the...  see more
7,434 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Lowrie Beacham
    Dear Mrs. Knott,
    I never met your husband in person; back in 2015, I reached out to him about some land he owned near my home in Efland; I was a sometime-turkey hunter, with an invalid wife that I was afraid to be far away from, so this was a chance to...  more
  • Karen McCollough
  • Jo Knott
    It’s past time that I properly thank each and every one of you who have visited Judd’s on-line memorial and selflessly donated to Puppies Behind Bars. Here’s the reason behind my delay -

    I fell and broke my left femur in 3 places on May 5th, had...  more
  • Tom Crockett
    Judd Knott was a good friend and colleague when we worked together at NASA’s Langley Research Center in the early 1980’s. He and I were tasked with developing system software for an experimental parallel computer called the Finite Element Machine,...  more
    • Tom Crockett
      Cary Plotkin Tom, I remember riding home with you and Dad a few times when Rachael and I had access to an after school camp. I am so glad you reached out. Dad would have been pleased to hear from you. When I saw your name, I shouted, "Tom!". Very glad to hear from...  more
      • July 25, 2020
  • Stan Waddell
    Judd truly was a great guy. He helped to usher me into the UNC family during my time there and was gracious with both his time and his wisdom. I offer the family my most sincere condolences. Rest in peace Judd...
  • Ruth Marinshaw
    Dear Judd’s family,

    My friends and colleagues have provided, and will no doubt continue to provide, a number of stories about how Judd helped our work, our individual lives and careers, IT at UNC, and UNC overall. All heartfelt and true, and moving -...  more
    • Cary Plotkin and Paul Jones reacted on this.
    • Ruth Marinshaw
      Cary Plotkin I cannot speak for the rest of the family, but I LOVE this letter to us.. And I'd love any work stories people want to provide. We have tons of home stories, too, but I don't know what I can share
      • July 11, 2020
  • Kristen Hirsch
    I had not had the pleasure of meeting him, but he was clearly a wonderful person, and being in the neighborhood, saw you all cheering a couple of times for hc workers. And what a lovely organization we can support in his name. My condolences.
  • Alex E
    I had the privilege of working for and working with Judd for some time at Chapel Hill. He had so much energy and optimism. He was always looking into problems and finding solutions or answers. He worked on our RSA (two-factor) solution at Carolina, our...  more
  • Rachael Knott Tucker
    When the COVID outbreak hit Italy in early March, I called Dad and said, “Get ready. If it hits NYC, we are coming to you.” He didn’t bat an eye.

    He and Mom accepted all the Amazon shipments of food, bedding, office supplies and seeds that I...  more
  • Cary Plotkin
    Running with Dad and my sisters in the inaugural Raleigh Rock N Roll (half) marathon. I still wear my "Team Pepaw" shirt 6 years later. Love you forever, Dad!
  • Jim Gogan
    Like all of us, I was deeply saddened to learn of Judd's passing. Having worked with him for many, many (many!) years, I valued his judgment, his expertise, his leadership, and his patience (which he often needed more than the other three attributes)....  more
  • Donald Sizemore II
    Mr. Knott was patient with me as an undergrad, supportive of me as a grad student and welcoming when I returned to the university full-time. He was one of many bright personalities who made the university a wonderful place to work. My deepest condolences...  more
  • Harry Nicholos
    I met Judd back in the 90's while working at NCSU. He was fun, he made you think and he supported your ideas. I also was pleased to see him at various concerts in the Durham area in later years. A good man gone too soon. As we say in the Greek...  more
  • Karen McCollough
    So sad to hear this. I was honored to work with him. So smart and very kind. Whenever I saw him he always remembered my son's name and asked after him. Judd always nudged us all towards better things, without making it sound like tedious work. He had a...  more
  • Mary Mace
    Judd and Tom raise Jackie’s tent like the Marines raising the flag at Iwo Jima.
  • Mary Mace
    Judd usually brought several of his grandchildren to Emerald Isle. He got up early in the morning to surf-cast with them. This “smiling fish” was soon back in the ocean.
  • Mike Conway
    Judd was formidable, and didn't suffer fools gladly. I always made sure I had my stuff wired down tight before talking to him! This is exactly the kind of person you want to work with. A wry sense of humor and a funny way of appreciating and pointing out...  more
  • Michael Williams
    Judd was a mentor and role model at many stages of my life and my career. Everyone who knew him and worked with him knew they could count on him as a leader, a supporter, a cheerleader, and a defender. He was a joy to know, and I am so grateful to have known him.
  • Chuck Crews
    ... A mensch with a twinkle in his eye and a wry, dry wit that could make me chuckle over and over again at the memory of what he'd said. I'm too sad to do that now, but I know the good memories will come back and I'll be smiling about them again....  more
  • Alan Hoyle
    Judd fought to keep my group employed many years ago, and, at least partially, I can credit him for my being here at UNC for the last decades.

    Today would have been a day he loved. One summer I ran into him while walking the alley back to campus from...  more
  • Paul Jones
    I cannot say how much I feel the loss of Judd.
    As many of you know, I owe so much of what I’ve been able to do to Judd. He was my boss for a good while leading up to SunSITE and the SunSITE years. He lead the group for the year I was at UVa and...  more
  • Bryan Tucker
    Here's a better photo:
  • Bryan Tucker
    Here's Judd on our trip to Amsterdam last April. We found a small carnival set up in the nearby town. It had several rides that Judd's grandchildren, Lucy and Claire, were excited about. One ride flung you six stories up in the air on a rotating arm. You...  more