Memorial Created By
Judith Ogilvie

Keith William Ogilvie

February 20, 1926 - January 24, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Keith William Ogilvie. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

    Keith William Ogilvie passed peacefully from this life on January 24, 2022, at his home in Bethesda, MD with his wife and daughter by his side, just short of his 96th birthday.  Keith lived a full and vital life with enduring impact in his personal and professional spheres. He was the beloved husband of 45 years to Judith, father to Matthew (who pre-deceased him), Alexandra and Sarah, grandfather to Joanna and Caitlin, and in...  see more
3,263 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • L J
    L J:
    My condolences for the loss of your loved one.
    The hurt and pain of losing a loved one is difficult. Please know that God is near to those that are broken-hearted and who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18
    God will wipe away all tears from their eyes and...  more
  • leonard gerson
    My memories of dinner with Keith and Judith are sweet ones. He always greeted me with such a warm smile. That warmth carried through the dinner. There was no one else I knew who rekindled my interest in English history. Choosing the right beer was a...  more
  • Judith Ogilvie
    Post made on behalf of Tomek Zawistowski
    I was hired by Keith in 1987 and that fact has impacted all my life. I was supporting Keith's work as a contractor and being an engineer
    I could not imagine a more thrilling and exciting workplace than NASA.
    So,...  more
  • Mark Owens
    As the husband of Judith and Keith’s niece, Alex, I have only been part of the family for a brief two decades, but during that time I have come to love Uncle Keith’s special brand of dry, laconic, very British warmth. During holidays we never talked...  more
  • Alex Klein
    I’ve known Uncle Keith my whole life so it was hard to select from the many fond memories I have of him from taking trips with him as a child to the National Air and Space Museum or seeing him returning home from an early morning ride; talking about our...  more
  • Lizzy Klein
    When I was growing up, Uncle Keith and Aunt Judith lived in a wonderful house for the imagination. Like all of their homes, this one was filled with beautiful objects to study and admire. Colorful fabrics gave texture to railings and chair-backs, relics...  more
  • Michael Metzger
    Among his many qualities, Keith was a friend of cats, something which brought me and my spouse, his niece Lizzy, closer to him. You can learn a lot about someone from the way they treat cats! From Lizzy I heard stories of Judith and Keith’s cat...  more
  • William Gadsby
  • Dennis Chornay
    I first met Keith in 1982, shortly after I arrived in the US from the UK to start post doctoral studies with Michael Coplan at the University of Maryland, College Park. Keith was a regular visitor to Michael’s lab where they collaborated, analyzing...  more
  • Alexandra Ogilvie
    From Jack Scudder:

    "Keith took a big chance hiring me fresh out from undergraduate school, with no space experience at all in 1969. He got NASA to support my going to graduate school part time and convinced his good friend Derek Tidman at Maryland...  more
  • Susan Bandin
    The heart does not recognize distance and so it has been for mine keeping the same feelings of admiration for Keith, my cousin Judith's husband. A gentle man, quiet but powerful with his simple words, always attentive during our gatherings, always...  more
  • susie becker
  • Jim Lobell
    Dr. Ogilvie was a very important person in my life. He hired me to work for him at Goddard in 1989, where I still work, so in a very real sense he set the course of my professional life. I had the distinct pleasure of working with him on a daily basis...  more
  • Michael Penny
  • Amy Robertson
    I have so many fond memories of Keith. He was funny and brilliant and kind. He is much missed.
  • Alexandra Ogilvie