The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Kelly Lee Hou

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Memorial Created By
Grant Hou

Kelly Lee Hou

April 15, 1950 - March 07, 2021

We created this memorial to celebrate the life of Kelly Lee Hou. 
Please help us honor her memory by sharing your stories, memories, photos, and videos here as it will offer us great comfort as we grieve. We will post updates to services on this site. Thank you for being part of her life and for...  see more

Kelly Lee Hou, loving wife, mother, and grandmother, passed Sunday, March 7, 2021.  Lee was born in 1950 in Xinchu, Taiwan, to Wang Jiang and Xu Yan. She graduated from Ming Chun University where she met her husband, An-Ping, during her junior year in college. They married in 1976 and immigrated to the US.  An independent spirit, selfless wife, and determined entrepreneur, Lee focused on providing her family a better life. Lee was an...  see more
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  • Grant Hou