Memorial Created By
Jennifer Hutchison

Kitty Nard

November 19, 1955 - May 27, 2020

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Kitty Nard. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Kitty Marie Pine Nard, age 65, of Glendale, CA passed away peacefully at 5:44 a.m. on May 27, 2020, the exact time of the L.A sunrise. She went to the hospital, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and a few days later she died. We created this memorial page to celebrate her life.  Our mom was our hero. She taught us how to work hard, love without conditions, think for ourselves, and help those less fortunate. She gently...  see more
1,952 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Stef Rodriguez
    I was one of Kitty Nard's students in 2016, I took her African American Literature Course. I adored her and she truly gave me a new appreciation for American literature through the works of so many great writers who were ignored or mistreated during...  more
  • Albert Adame
    I was a student of Kitty back in 2014-2015. Her class was an absolute riot with flourishing personalities that were invited to express themselves through classroom discussions related to each week's readings. What I really took away from Kitty's class...  more
  • Marjie Seagoe
    I met Kitty in 2001 when I was transferred into the English department clerical staff. Kitty was always kind, calm and friendly. She always had time to check how I was. Even in mid semester craziness Kitty was Zen. She turned 50 the month before me. A...  more
  • Darrell McKnight
    Okay, gonna try this one more time. (I lost everything I previously wrote while trying to post a picture. Lol).

    I’m one of Kitty’s students. I took one of her classes about fifteen years ago. I never received one of her rock assignments. She did,...  more
    Download the new album "Tetsuo & Youth" now here: Exclusive "Tetsuo & Youth" deluxe poster bundle available here: Food & Liquor 2: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1. Buy it now: http:...
  • E S
    E S:
    I met Kitty as a young TA that thought he knew everything and was out to change the world. I remember having a discussion with her about my classes and how my students didn't seem to understand what I wanted from them. She looked me straight in the eye...  more
  • E S
    E S
  • Alison Knudsen
    I've come to understand that there are people in this world who are not entirely OF this world. These people are rare; they are of course entirely human but they contain a spark of the divine. Kitty contained more than just a spark. Her friendship...  more
  • Dylan Altman
  • Debi Smith
  • Lynn Hutchison
    I didn't know Kitty well, but I was in awe of her for so many reasons. Everything she accomplished while raising four daughters by herself is just amazing. And raising four EXCEPTIONAL daughters at that! Our first contact was after my son Jake visited...  more
  • Lynn Hutchison
  • Cheryl Spector