The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Kyle Christopher MacLennan


Support the family.

Kyle left behind 3 young girls, Kenzie, Ella and Ava. In lieu of flowers, we ask that donations be made to create a fund to help support his beautiful girls.

Raised $2,960
  Contributors (19)
You can also select a charitable cause that is personally meaningful to you or one that was important to Kyle Christopher MacLennan
Memorial Created By
Helen MacLennan

Kyle Christopher MacLennan

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Kyle Christopher MacLennan. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

4,122 Visits

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    Hi Dad i miss you so much i hope that you see this bc life won't be the same without you. I love you 3000 your my #1 hero :( .and its really hard and sad to grow up without you love you and miss you lots love Zie
  • Olorin
    I only just found out. My deepest condolences to Kyle's family. I will always remember listening to you jam on the guitar and hanging out making beats. The time you were so astonished that I could whistle Stevie Ray Vaughn songs. Love you and miss you...  more
  • Carmen Rodriguez
    You were a beautiful spirit full of joy, life and dreams. Our talks were very special and your poignant observations illustrated how talented you were. You loved abundantly and it pains me to see that your beautiful girls will miss you so much, beyond...  more
  • Andrea Price
    I keep going to text you and realizing that I can't. You were always there for me to lift me up or make me laugh when I felt my worst. I regret that I didn't come see you when you asked so I could hug you one more time or even get you mad at me for...  more
  • Helen MacLennan
  • Lesa Marie
    My condolences during this difficult time. Sending love and prayers to you and your family during this difficult time.
  • Vicki Maclennan
    No one I know brought out truer emotions from your Dad than you. When you were happy, he was happier. When you struggled? He ached to help you. But when he and you were together....... laughing, sharing memories, jokes and watching your beautiful...  more
  • Rosita MacLennan
    All of our memories. You gave me 3 perfect babies. You were a musical guru, best father on this planet and gentle soul. You always wanted to see others happy and couldn't stand it when they weren't. I wish I could give you one more big hug and say thank...  more
  • Lauren Cropley
    Kyle the memories we had together are limitless, my heart is hurting. Life will not be the same without you here.