The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Martin L. Fried
Raised $562
  Contributors (10)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Martin L. Fried
Memorial Created By
Rebecca Fried

Martin L. Fried

January 28, 1944 - September 01, 2021

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Martin L. Fried. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort. Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

"In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make." (Lennon/McCartney)On September 1, 2021 Martin Fried lost his brief and brutal battle with pancreatic cancer, but he was surrounded with love and music in his final moments.Marty loved life and his enthusiasm was contagious.  A musician, photographer, lawyer, landlord, artist, gardener, collector of shiny things, father, husband, partner, grandpa, lover of animals,...  see more
2,431 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Sylvia Ascher
  • Denise Klein
  • Barbara Bershad
  • Vicki Iagnemma
    I loved working with Marty. Nice guy and very, very smart.
  • Sandra Fitzpatrick
    Marty was a peacemaker. The world could use more like him. My sincere condolences. ❤️
    Sandy Fitzpatrick
  • Denise Klein
    Denise Klein
    My cousin Marty was a few years older than I, and most of my memories of him are from my early childhood.
    I remember he always had a ready smile for me, and seemed so tall and full of energy, …. Because he was!
    I have fond memories of...  more
  • Niki Lee
    I'm so sorry for your loss. Love, Niki
  • Niki Lee
  • Steve Cohen
  • Susan Dodd
    Susan Dodd

    I met Marty in January of 2020. Or he interviewed me at Eddie Merlots for the job of dating partner.I got the job and was delighted that we liked the same things, movies, entertainment, and food, plus politics. We then became the covid...  more
  • Jennifer Harvey
    I went to high school with Beca and met Marty (the cool dad!) when I was a teenager. He was always very supportive of Beca and her many stage appearances. He was also a smart and hard-working lawyer, and I sent many referrals his way because he'd do a...  more
  • Sandra Goldstein
    Marty, my big brother, who made me laugh and had no idea why.
  • Barbara  Rom
  • Jessica Sahutoglu
  • Aaron Scheinfield
  • John Hertzberg
  • Jacqueline Siemion
    The last time we went out with Marty was to Eddie Merlot's. We introduced him to Oyster's Rockefeller. He was so delighted to try something new, always! He was a happy and kind man. He will be missed by many and we share in his families, and friends grief.
  • Carol Rust
    Marty was a wonderful friend to Ken and me. We will miss his silly sense of humor, his birthday parties, and going out for dinner with friends. We enjoyed his fifties music and his stories about the
    Cyrcle. I loved having him in my aerobics classes...  more
  • Robert Siemion
    • Robert Siemion
      Robert Siemion Always a gentleman. Fun to be with. Hosted great parties. Excellent lawyer. His "rock" career was interesting. Local FM stations would acknowledge his birthdays. Fine sense of humor. He will be missed. He will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Monique  Grenda
  • Pam Porter
    Marty was a wonderful friend who will be missed by many. My condolences to his family.
  • Pam Porter
  • Stephanie Siemion
    I’m so sorry. Marty was a kind and loving man.
    My deepest condolences.
  • Stephanie Siemion
  • Constance Kanoyton
    Marty will be missed by so many for his kind heart.

    We miss you already.

    Connie and Gaylord Kanoyton