
Charitable Donations in Honor of Michael Theodore Bergman
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Memorial Created By
Cindy Morse

Michael Theodore Bergman

July 20, 1971 - May 03, 2012

A memorial to celebrate the life of Michael Theodore Bergman. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort.

Michael Theodore Bergman, a Parapsychologist and life-long resident of Bridgeport CT, passed away unexpectedly on May 3, 2020 at the age of 41.  Michael is survived by his wife Laura Bergman; his children Jesse, Emily, Erik; his brother, Kevin Bergman; his sister, Kristin Scholer. He is predeceased by his grandmother Kathleen Linscheid; and his grandfather, Caius Bergman.  Michael was born in Bridgeport on July 20, 1971 to Amelia-Rose...  see more
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