Memorial Created By
Mary Mulcahy

Norris Smith

August 28, 1938 - July 01, 2022

Thank you for sharing your memories of Nonnie/Norris.

Full Message from Tom: It is with great sadness to report that my consistent and loyal friend of 52 years, Norris Smith, died over the July 4th weekend. Yes, the tall, elegant lady who always wore a scarf (including in hospital) lost her valiant battle to remain with us. An avid listener with a voracious curiosity, she could filter questionable traits and personality quirks of the talker into a focused light so bright they thought...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Juliana Maantay
    I first met Norris in about 1978. I worked with Tom Paino in an architecture firm on West 57th street, and even though Tom was my boss, we hit it off socially, and did quite a few outings and adventures together and Norris was, of course, part of the...  more
  • Mary Mulcahy
    From Martha, Norris's very good friend : "I will miss Norris—the pause, the eye brow lifted, the zinger, the innate kindness, the humor, the understanding, the honesty, the encyclopedic mind, the sly smile as the absurd out there presented itself. If...  more
  • Janet C.
    KIND. Norris was one of a KIND, yet always comfortable in her own skin. In her quiet presence she easily moved among all KINDs of people. And she was a KIND person in her interface s with the world, her neighborhood, and with me. I met Norris through our...  more
  • Mary Mulcahy
  • Mary Mulcahy
    Beautiful Message from Norris' friend Tom

    Norris memorial statement July 9, 2022

    It is with great sadness to report that my consistent and loyal friend of 52 years, Norris Smith, died over the July 4th weekend. Yes, the tall, elegant...  more
  • Nora Brossard
    As a member of The Garden People, I tend a plot adjacent to Norris's. I didn't know her for very many years, but always found her pleasant to chat with and most helpful to a novice gardener. She had an ethereal charm that seemed to float over rivers of...  more
  • Susan Guest