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  • Celebration of Life of Paul J. Allen

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Memorial Created By
Billie Greenwood

Paul J. Allen

May 01, 1939 - July 06, 2019

Join us in celebrating the life of Paul J. Allen. As we plan gatherings, we will post invites with event information on GatheringUs. Share this memorial with family and friends, and remember to RSVP to help us plan. If you have photos, videos, recordings to share, you may post them here or mail them directly.

Paul J. Allen was born in May 1939, in Green Bay, Wisconsin; he died in his home in Davenport, Iowa, on Saturday, July 6, surrounded by loved ones. He is survived by his loving and beloved wife, Billie Greenwood, his sons Andy and Matt (Laia Jorba), his four grandchildren Alina, Thean, Jaiden, and Naia, his ten siblings Judy Ullmer (Jerry), Tom Bice-Allen (Janese), Jane Hanson (Bob), Judy Ann Berken (Jerry), Mary Allen Arana (Javier),...  see more
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Posts & Photos

  • Billie Greenwood
    Billie Greenwood added 12 photo(s) to the memorial Paul J. Allen:
  • Billie Greenwood
    Billie Greenwood added 2 photo(s) to the memorial Paul J. Allen: