• Tribute Concert at the Associacao in Sobral da Lagoa

    Apr 17, 2022, 3:00 PM Europe/London

The memorial organizer requested donations in honor of Paul Robert Dow
Raised $1,815
  Contributors (18)
Or select a charity of your choice or another one that was personally meaningful to Paul Robert Dow
Memorial Created By
Natasha Dow

Paul Robert Dow

June 18, 1959 - January 25, 2022

We created a GatheringUs memorial to celebrate the life of Paul Robert Dow. Collecting your stories and memories here will offer us great comfort and a good giggle! Click on the heart to let us know you were here and to receive email updates. Thank you for contributing to this lasting memorial.

Paul Dow - once met never forgotten!  Paul loved life, he woke up everyday with a huge smile on his face no matter the circumstances.  He lived to make a difference whether through sharing his passion for making music or through his vocation as a scientist, his charitable donations, or his wicked sense of humour or just a smile and a joke for a stranger.  There is no doubt that he made the world around him a brighter, better place.  He...  see more
3,472 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Natasha Dow
    Today Paul would have turned 64, you all know the song that he would have been singing all day!
    His spirit is still strong, funny, supportive and ever present.
    If you happen to be in the Northampton area on 27th August join us for an 'All for Paul'...  more
  • paul hedges
    Hello, my name is Paul Hedges and I lived next door to Paul from 67 until about 77 when we both moved away. I was really devastated to learn of his passing and my heart goes out to you all. .My first memory of him was when he was wearing a home made...  more
    • paul hedges
      Natasha Dow Hello Paul. I just saw your post on Paul's birthday. How wonderful to hear your memories. Paul talked about you so often and dreamed of making contact with you. He spoke so fondly of your friendship in those magical formative years. I don't know how...  more
      • June 18, 2023
  • Natasha Dow
    Paul's sons playing one of his desert island discs in his honour.
    • Natasha Dow
      Natasha Dow Paul's 3 sons playing one of his desert island discs - what a legacy!
      • April 25, 2022
  • Natasha Dow
    Thank you so much for your messages of support, your donations, your attendance at the tribute in person and in spirit, and your musical joy. The tribute concert was indeed a tribute to a much loved, unique musical genius. He was rockin' in the heavens...  more
  • Natasha Dow
    Bohemian Rhapsody with audience vocals!
  • Richard D'Albis
  • Roland Filarski
  • Roland Filarski
  • Roland Filarski
    great fun good music
  • Natasha Dow
    Just to confirm that the 1st Paul's Pascoa Music Festival will take place on Easter Sunday 17th April at the Associacao in Sobral da Lagoa from 3pm. Lots of varied live music promised and plenty of BBQed chicken and beer. Paul would definitely...  more
  • Natasha Dow
    Paul and his darling boys!
  • Pam Reeve
    We were so sad when we heard we had lost Paul. He fed our love of music so perfectly, and we will miss his infectious smile and lovely cheerful personality. Unfortunately we cannot join you for the Tribute Concert as our youngest son is getting married...  more
  • Natasha Dow
    Paul finished recording this for his Mum just 2 weeks before he died. It brings him right back into the room. Enjoy!
    Musical enterpretation of the 1940s poem 'Dawn in a Great City' by author unknown.
  • Peter Batten
    I am very sorry to learn about Paul I first met him many years ago when he came for a job at ICI. Unfortunately for us he accepted an offer from another company but I always remembered how disappointed we were that he didn't join us. As a result I was...  more
  • Keith Thornley
    Rest in peace Paul, enjoyed our brief time together in Harrogate, fine beer, classic cars, live music, many fond memories to cherish. Hope you find Eddie VH up there and get to rock forever.
  • Naveed Hussain-aslam
    He was always full of beans. Could liven up a room. The office was always a place of laughter. He loved the rajput and his curry nights out. Natasha was his soulmate. RIP Paul.
  • Angela  Dow
    Just going through some of my older, non-digital photos & thought I'd add a few of some other happy events of the past.........
  • Angela  Dow
    What to say about my lovely, older brother that hasn't been said here so many times already? He was a kind & loving husband, father, son, brother (-in-law) & uncle. Chris, Eddie & I have nothing but happy memories of whenever we got to see...  more
  • Natasha Dow
    Tribute Concert on Easter Sunday in Portugal!
    Everybody is welcome to join us in a celebration of Paul's life. Save the date, book your flights and musicians think of songs to play in honour of the great man. Details to follow.....
  • Laurence Bishop
    Paul was a fantastic role model when I first started work back in 2000. He was then, about the age I am now. In my first few days of work he and Natasha were always there to invite me to coffee and let me see that working wasn't the rigid, formal way it...  more
  • Louise  Leong
    Sending all my love, I’m so sorry for your loss. Paul was a great man , that brought so much laughter to the world.
    It’s been far too long, but will never forget the fun, the quizzes, the music and midnight curries at the Rajput . I am grateful for...  more
  • Graham Lappin
    I’d not seen Paul for over 20-years but he’s one of those people you’ll never forget. He was a innovative scientist, and if I say he was a bit of a maverick, I’m sure he’d take that as the compliment it’s meant to be. I was his boss for a...  more
  • Karen Mallard
    Great memories of Paul back in the later 80’s when I worked with him. He always went off to the bakers on a Friday morning to get cakes for everyone. We shared a love for rock music and Curries so socialised out of work. Saw him play in Zero Option...  more
  • Odete Martins
  • Chris Dow
  • GetawayHS2
  • Patricia Parkes-Bristow
    Ian and I were lucky to have Solid Gold playing at several of our pre-Covid parties on sunny summer afternoons. However, we particularly remember them playing in Obidos in the courtyard of the little restaurant run a few years ago by JamonJamon before...  more
  • Natasha Dow
    Always game for a laugh. Here are some photos from our attempt to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Woodstock.
  • Angela  Dow
  • Nicole Weir
    Lovely pic of an Amazing couple Paul & Natasha.
    Natasha I will always be here for you. Lots of love Nicole xx
  • Nicole Weir
    Another great night was Paul's 50th. The kids were very excited and sat front row for the band - they were huge fans and jumped about to the music till they were ready to drop. Tired at last Eve & Ashleigh somehow fell asleep on a chair while the...  more
  • Nicole Weir
    Walking round Obidos this was the highest up Paul went. Natasha & Ashleigh were very brave !
  • Nicole Weir
    I love this pic of Paul. It was the night he was doing a BBQ on the patio, drinking beer and playing games. We decided we would do charades of dances and it was just the funniest thing. I think Paul did the monster mash. I laughed so hard until no noise...  more
  • Nicole Weir
    Some more happy memories xx
  • Nicole Weir
    I'll always remember the first time Natasha brought Paul round to ours. We had a chocolate fondue which Paul couldn't believe wasn't a poo fondue. I knew then he was perfect for Natasha! its just so hard to believe this wonderful warm funny Paul is no...  more
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
  • Richard Barrett
    One sunny afternoon back in 2013 or maybe it was 2014 I was walking home along the bay in Sao Martinho when I heard a rock band playing. The music was from in front of what was then Martinho's, I went over and saw this middle-aged man playing amazing...  more
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
  • Salt Shaker
    I loved Paul, admired the man very much. His humor really was irresistible, a straight shooter over what he was thinking. You always knew where you stood with Paul.

    I still see Paul in the kitchen, making marmite pinwheels and licking the knife off...  more
  • Adam Neill
    I met Paul through Natasha and a party which seems to be a theme here. Paul let me drive his E-Type Jag, a memory I treasure.
  • Garfield Nelson
  • Natasha Dow
    Paul is home with his guitars.
    • Nikki Lee-Scowen and Salt Shaker reacted on this.
    • Natasha Dow
      Natasha Dow It might comfort you to know that several times recently Paul said "I don't want to die but I'm ready to die, I have nothing left to resolve". He was an example of contentment.
  • Natasha Dow
    Mensagem para Paul de Inácio
    " Já não está mais entre nós, sua luz se apagou para sempre, mas a sua marca vai se manter neste mundo para sempre. Pois pessoas especiais como o Paul nunca desaparecem, apenas seguem caminhos diferentes mas permanecem...  more
  • mary moore
    What great memories we all have of our time with Paul... From the first time I met Paul & Tarty in the Glaxo social club in Greenford many moons ago. To my first time drinking Red Wine with Paul ( many Btls..) in the Wembley Flat, to the wedding in...  more
  • Marie McCombie
    What better legacy could any man leave but to put smiles on the faces of children he’d never meet. You will always be part of the tribe.