Memorial Created By
Na Noid

Phillip Legg

October 08, 1963 - November 12, 2018

A celebration of the life of Phillip Legg. Contribute to this lasting memorial by sharing stories, memories, photos, and videos. Share this memorial with family and friends,and last but not least... please leave a msg for Phil x

Funny Grandad , Dad, and best friend. We all miss you Phil , you will know that if you can see us. We have all shed tears of joy and laughter. You will never be forgotten as you were one of a kind. You were eccentric and quirky and most of all unique , I only wished you had known that.  Your talent in arts and crafts lives on with me and Jamie. You were a amazing at drawing and painting and looking at your work we can really feel the...  see more
678 Visits

Posts & Photos

  • Na Noid
    Buster says hello :) Hes a right pain in the ass lol
  • Na Noid
    Toad on our walk ....still thinking of you dude x
  • Na Noid
  • Na Noid
    Our favorite walk
  • Na Noid
  • Na Noid
  • Na Noid
    Walked past the tree today with Buster ...been a while now mate. You still in our thoughts. x
  • Na Noid
    Happy birthday , meet me at the tree of your favorite places. Missing you mate xxx
  • Na Noid
    Na Noid added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Phillip Legg:
  • Na Noid
    Na Noid added 3 photo(s) to the memorial Phillip Legg:
  • Na Noid
    Na Noid added 4 photo(s) to the memorial Phillip Legg: